How to access local host through tor browser
Go to about:config and set network.proxy.allow_hijacking_localhost = false.
This stops http[s]:// from being proxied through Tor. But make sure to request the IP, not by localhost or another ...
How to access local host through tor browser
By far the easiest and safest is to start a local .onion service, then connect to it normally.
Create an empty folder somewhere, e.g. C:/my/keys/test1
Then add this to torrc:
HiddenServiceDir C:/...
viewing files on local machine via tor browser
This is probably going to be based more on how your OS works but I will try to answer the question.
First, the easy one. In Firefox or any other normal browser, you can go to file:/// to browse your ...
How do I join the #tor-dev IRC channel
Usually the best way to join IRC is by using an own client. Here you can save your settings and easily join. However when you want to use the Webchat you also need to be identified.
So after you ...
What's new in Tor
The client picks the rendezvous point, normally the onion service builds a full circuit before connecting to the rendezvous point to talk to the client, thus anonymizing it's location.
If a client ...
Developing an app in Tor
Yes, you can: use a hidden service for an active part and try elaborating ZeroNet for statics if you have/would-have alot of it. There's no limitations by Tor itself to achieve exactly what you're ...
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