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Clearing the state of rendezvous client provides privacy improvement?

Is there a risk the server can learn the connection between Alice and Bob without clearing the state of the rendezvous client? If so, then how much of this risk is? Yes. It could be possible for an ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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How TBB commands tor to use a "New Circuit for this Site"?

Short: it does not send a command. It creates new connection to SocksPort, using different credentials, and sends new requests to domain through it. Details: Tor do isolates streams to different ...
verb0's user avatar
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What is the StaleDesc (state descriptor) flag and how do I update my state descriptor?

It has just happened to me and tor gave me useful piece of information in logs: Your server ( has not managed to confirm that its DirPort is reachable. Relays do not publish ...
Tomek's user avatar
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understanding tor cell structure

In simple words: CircID serves the purpose to separate the circuits = onion 3-node chains. As it described in design - I'm citing: The header includes a circuit identifier (circID) that specifies ...
Alexey Vesnin's user avatar
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Could there be a way to make the Tor network faster by paying money?

Yes. You will probably want to see these two blog posts:
HackerNCoder's user avatar
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Could there be a way to make the Tor network faster by paying money?

Indeed! run a node or two - and it will make the whole network a bit faster
Alexey Vesnin's user avatar
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What would be an example of a routing protocol that preserves anonymity even if the Guard Node and Exit Node are both compromised

The method you mention of preventing traffic correlation attacks is generally called cover traffic. Sometimes it also makes sense to reorder the traffic as well, which is a network design often called ...
Steve's user avatar
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What is the StaleDesc (state descriptor) flag and how do I update my state descriptor?

The flag StaleDesc was developed throught a proposal. Anyone can send in a proposal to improve the Tor protocol. The specific proposal has the number 293 with the title "Other ways for relays to know ...
Jens Kubieziel's user avatar
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Hardening the network on the host

Your client may also connect to directory caches, and theoretically the directory authorities (but I'm not sure that the code currently does this). It might be better to whitelist all Tor relays ...
Steve's user avatar
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Hidden Services can intros correlate IP with .onion?

The introduction point never learns the IP address of the onion service. The onion service builds a 3-hop circuit to the introduction point in order to stay anonymous, just like clients build 3-hop ...
Steve's user avatar
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Is Tor traffic using the TAP handshake vulnerable to retroactive decryption?

To answer my own question after rereading the spec, it is not. There are two things that make it difficult to attack broken DH groups in the old TAP protocol: the RSA hybrid handshake, and link ...
forest's user avatar
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Rekeying a Tor circuit

Not possible yet. Proposal 262 is still open and there is no other rekey mechanism.
nobody's user avatar
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Missing History

It would seem that the v1 Rendezvous Specification was only ever partially implemented. tor could understand and accept v1 descriptors at one point, but never generated them. There was however a v0 ...
irl's user avatar
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Replicating onion address algorithim?

Thanks @Yawning Angel, your answer helped, also the answer in this question, the code: function privkey2pubkey($privKey) { $privKey = str_replace(array("\r", "\n", ' ', '=', '-----...
CarlosAllende's user avatar
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Clearing the client side DNS cache provides privacy improvement?

Clearing the client side DNS cache DOES NOT provide privacy improvement against hidden services. Clearing the client side DNS cache DOES provide privacy improvement against clearnet connections. ...
nopara73's user avatar
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Signal NEWNYM vs Stream isolation

Can the server somehow learn the connection between Alice and Bob in 1. 2. and 3. alternative? Sort answer: 1. No. 2. Yes. 3. Yes. Long answer: A NEWNYM signal, among some administrative code, ...
nopara73's user avatar
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Tor Network Protocols

Tor doesn't use those protocols. I think Wireshark is just mistakenly assuming traffic to/from port 5000 is RSL.
pastly's user avatar
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How Tor handles nodes designed to burn it

You probably want to have a look at the Report Bad Relays wiki entry. As you can see in the wiki entry you can report bad relays and there are also automated tools to detect tempering (bottom of the ...
Peter Gerber's user avatar
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How to suggest ideas to the Tor project

Depending from what exactly you want to propose there are different possibilities: Write to tor-dev This mailing list is the central place where new ideas are discussed. You can meet developers and ...
Jens Kubieziel's user avatar
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Does Tor work the same when on HTTP-sites and HTTPS-sites?

In the way tor treats the traffic, there is no difference, Using HTTP and in some cases HTTPS ( if it is not properly configured ref. HSTS ) is hazardous in many situations. Because traffic is going ...
Polarsbear's user avatar
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Update on Tor design paper

It looks like that is the latest paper on tor design. It will most likely be updated when tor 0.3.x is in a stable build. Watch there blog to ...
user16187's user avatar
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How to change Tor exit node when using multiple SocksPorts?

Tor doesn't require SOCKS5 login/password authentication but it creates different circuits for each unique login/password pair. So you can just use different random login/password to authenticate ...
dimzon's user avatar
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