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2 votes

Implementing the tor protocol, based on tor sources and a few clarifications

Step 7 is a TLS socket, not just raw TCP. "I created the onion hidden service, and i want to try make a http request to it", there are additional steps required for onion services which you'll know ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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Bloated codebase - are there third party implementations of the tor protocol?

You can find a list of third-party Tor implementations here (note that many/most are not actively developed): You may also ...
Steve's user avatar
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Security: Can an exit node be set up with an encrypted connection to the service?

So far it seems that all exit note-to-server connections are communicated in plaintext. They're communicated as they're sent, I.E. Tor doesn't add or remove any encryption that was already applied to ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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How does an OR create keys?

It uses external libraries. Specifically OpenSSL, curve25519-donna, and ed25519 (either donna or ref10). The code for key generation can be found in: curve25519 -
user13586's user avatar
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Can Tor be used with applications other than Web browsers?

if you want to use tor for certain applications you can also use proxychains and tor[commandline] together install tor sudo apt-get install tor proxychains -y Use proxychains proxychains curl -s ...
starnomos's user avatar

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