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17 votes

"This is a SOCKS Proxy, Not An HTTP Proxy"

Tor provides a SOCKS proxy by default. Whatever you've configured to use Tor is trying to use it as an HTTP proxy which is a different kind of proxy protocol. Tor (at least as of 0.3.2.x) can ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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9 votes

"This is a SOCKS Proxy, Not An HTTP Proxy"

As @cacahuatl said you can use that switch, if you want it to be permanent go to /etc/tor/torrc (This is the path for tor config file in Ubuntu and Debian), open it with your favorite text editor and ...
Siyavash vaez afshar's user avatar
4 votes

How can I figure out how to use TOR in my Java application

Just download and run TOR Browser. It will open a socks proxy in your system. You can check the port in browser settings: You just need to set a proxy for your java socket: InetSocketAddress ...
Mir Saman's user avatar
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4 votes

How to change Tor Browser default SocksPort?

The easiest way to define them is through use of environment variables, e.g. start Tor Browser with the command, e.g.: env TOR_SOCKS_PORT=9170 TOR_CONTROL_PORT=9071 ./Browser/start-tor-browser or by ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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4 votes

How does Tor use application proxy (SOCKS)?

The "Onion Proxy" is a name for a Tor client, it is the entire client process. The SOCKS interface is just a way for a client to utilise the onion proxy. The SOCKS server is provided by the Tor ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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4 votes

What's the difference between ControlPort and SocksPort

The control port is used for controlling Tor, usually via other software like Arm. The Socks port is the port running as a SOCKS5 proxy. This is the one you want to use. Please note that Tor is not ...
SuperSluether's user avatar
4 votes

Does Tor add encryption at the TCP protocol level?

This isn't a good idea. TCPCrypt is, and I can't stress this enough, absolute trash. It provides no protection against an active MITM attacker, it's not authenticated. The remote party too must ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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3 votes

What is passed to the Onion Proxy in terms of the OSI model?

The SOCKS proxy operates on the application layer. Therefore the answers to your questions are: The SOCKS proxy receives whatever you send to it via the TCP connection that is built up to the SOCKS ...
segfault's user avatar
3 votes

What's the difference between torify, usewithtor, tsocks and torsocks?

Most of the links you posted state the differences. You should use torsocks. tsocks: Allows non-SOCKS aware applications to use a SOCKS proxy. No longer maintained. tsocks' role is to allow these ...
Steve's user avatar
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2 votes

Proxy Client: unable to connect ("general SOCKS server failure")

To resolve this issue, Open Tor browser => Click on Configure button => select Tor is censored in my country option => Click on Request a new Bridge => enter captcha then click Submit. you will get a ...
LoRe's user avatar
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2 votes

Exit traffic through a SOCKS proxy

No. There's no mechanism for this in Tor, you'll need to deal with routing the outbound traffic yourself. You should also note that the address your relay is listening/running on will be linked to ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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2 votes

Tor Dns , Multi Instances

Encrypted Traffic Tor is agnostic to the data that is routed through the network. Data is protected as it traverses the network but not before it enters or after it leaves. It is the responsibility of ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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2 votes

How to send Tor traffic through ssh tunnel?

You want to configure Tor to use an upstream proxy. Tor Button/Onion Menu -> Network Settings -> Tick 'This computer needs to use a local proxy to access the Internet' Proxy Type: SOCKS5 Address: ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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2 votes

How to set Tor proxy for Windows 10 instead of VPN?

Best way is to set it via Control Panel: right click start -> control panel -> internet options -> connections tab -> LAN settings Check off "Use a proxy server for your LAN..." Optionally, select "...
UlchabhanRua's user avatar
2 votes

Privoxy VS Polipo

Well, privoxy and polipo are basically even: they both have filtering systems inside them, both are HTTP-to-SOCKS tools. In the last beta of tor you have a HTTPS proxy embedded in tor itself, so I'd ...
Alexey Vesnin's user avatar
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2 votes

Socks version 22 not recognized. (Tor is not an http proxy.)

You're not trying to speak SOCKS, the SOCKS port only speaks the SOCKS protocol. Decimal 22 is hexadecimal 0x16, which is the initial byte of a TLS connection. Tor's SOCKS port does not speak TLS. ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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2 votes

Sending a request over Tor without binding port on localhost

If you plan on using the standard tor implementation, then yes you will need to use some form of local proxy. If you don't want to bind the SOCKS port to a localhost address, you can also use a unix ...
Steve's user avatar
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1 vote

Trying to pass TTL expired error: socks.SOCKS5Error: 0x06: TTL expired

proxies = { 'http': 'socks5h://', 'https': 'socks5h://' socks proxies are not the same as http/https proxies. You can't interchange the two. you will need to use a ...
elmerjfudd's user avatar
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Fetching JSON via Tor

If you have VM setup with all network traffic routed through tor then you do not need to run torsocks.
Radim Kolář's user avatar
1 vote

Enbale TOR only for SOCKS5 communication on a Tomato enabled router

Well, you're seem to querying the wrong host - is a localhost, and you need to query your router's IP - pehaps a copy-paste mistake? And - check the Tor config - SocksPort should be not ...
Alexey Vesnin's user avatar
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tbb-nightly-hardened provides no TCP socks proxy, only unix domain socket. is that normal?

The feature has been introduced to make it possible to block all IP networking, thereby, making it harder to bypass Tor. Tickets 12585 and 14270 have some more information on it. So, yes, this is the ...
Peter Gerber's user avatar
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TOR BUG,Tor dropping SSH tunnel to hidden SSH service

The problem was the server was hosted on a non-standard ssh port (2022). Solutions: Use the LongLivedPorts to add your port in your torrc and make more stable connections for certain ports If the ...
Polarsbear's user avatar
1 vote

Do I need to configure a GeoIP database when using the ExitNodes directive?

This is weird, I am the operator of that Tor Exit relay. The relay is indeed hosted in the United States, perhaps the geoip is wrong. You can confirm this by running a traceroute to the IP and ...
dpsi's user avatar
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1 vote

How cna I make a request through the Tor daemon originate from a US IP?

You're trying to use a specific country code with no GeoIP database. Since IPs don't actually have any relationship to countries at all you need a database of made up links between IP address and ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there any vulnerabilities when using socks with tails?

It's only on the local loopback interface, the unencrypted connection is made purely locally. It traverses any local network resources encrypted. Note however that anything you send into the Tor ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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1 vote

What's the difference between ControlPort and SocksPort

The SOCKSPort is for talking to other applications. Tor runs as a SOCKS proxy and other applications (like a web browser, another proxy etc.) could connect to it. The manpage writes: SOCKSPort [...
Jens Kubieziel's user avatar
1 vote

What's the difference between ControlPort and SocksPort

SocksPort is for accepting SOCKS connections from tor clients(=applications that will be "torified"), ControlPort is for communicating with tor controllers, i.e. applications that are interacting and ...
Alexey Vesnin's user avatar
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Tor Dns , Multi Instances

You cannot send signal NEWNYM using port 9050. Usually, the default controllport for tor is 9051. You have to use 9051 to send signal NEWNYM. Port 9050 is used to have anonymous traffic. Here is ...
Anil Pediredla's user avatar
1 vote

How to set Tor proxy for Windows 10 instead of VPN?

To answer your question first, Go to the internet option and then change the proxy from HTTP to socks, then your browser works. Same goes to the skype's proxy settings, you need to change it to socks. ...
Seandex's user avatar
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