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torcc file missing on Mac OS Sierra?

Open Finder Press Command, Shift, G Enter this command: ~/Library/Application Support/TorBrowser-Data/Tor You should be able to see the Torcc file
CZQ1401's user avatar
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I want upload a file to a ftp server using Tor proxy to comunicate with a Hidden Service [Python 3]

The tl;dr is that FTP and .onion do not go well together and never will, due to how the FTP protocol works. For more details, see below. FTP goes a little like this: Client connects to the "command" ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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Can we query a Relay to get its descriptors?

A Tor relay's descriptor is available at that relay as the resource '/tor/server/authority[.z]'. This is useful when you don't know the relay's fingerprint. Using IPredator as an example: http://197....
teor's user avatar
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WinError 10061 No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

No ControlPort is specified in the torrc that your copy of Tor is trying to read. ControlPort PORT|unix:path|auto [flags] ... (Default: 0) With the default of 0 meaning not to create one. Instead ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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Should my custom application modify torrc to authenticate itself in ControlPort?

Answer is here No need to edit torrc. Just locate control_auth_cookie file in TorBrowser directory. (it is Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Tor/control_auth_cookie) Use it's contents as a parameter to ...
kisin_pop_up's user avatar
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displaying streams from onion service to rendezvous point

After reading control-spec.txt, I understand. I think. It's just that only client-side circuits have streams. Onion-side circuits simply handle cells. At lines 2023-2035, for example: The "...
dzgray's user avatar
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The problem about stem's new_circuit and extend_circuit?

Yes, you will then have two circuits, and it will take some time for the previous circuit to be automatically cleaned up. A Stem controller does have a close_circuit(id) function you can use to close ...
Steve's user avatar
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using meek bridge programmatic

UPDATE: I found the answer, my mistake was to not considering pluggable transpoorts at all. when you want to specify bridges in tor config, you must specify a proper pluggable transport to be used ...
pouya's user avatar
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customizing tor browser bundle

There is a project named: torflow and one of the plugins named OP-addon is a good solution for tor path generation and circuit handling with lots of measurements and analyzing goodies. from the ...
pouya's user avatar
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Which python script allow me to know if tor is operational or not as a client?

You need to query the client bootstrap status. It's done - as it's said in control protocol spec like this: telnet 9051 Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. ...
Alexey Vesnin's user avatar
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How to list all tor circuits that have ever been established

There's no log for this kind of information - and for a good reason: it can hurt the privacy and anonymity of Tor. You can - technically - poll Tor regulary through Stem and keep the log for yourself, ...
Alexey Vesnin's user avatar
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Changing identity using Tor and Stem

Try removing this. Because once the Socket is set the controller cannot change it. from stem import Signal from stem.control import Controller with Controller.from_port(port = 9151) as controller: ...
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