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6 votes

How to use Tor with Google Chrome?

From the Arch Linux Wiki: chromium --proxy-server="socks5://" --host-resolver-rules="MAP * , EXCLUDE myproxy" However as the wiki explicitly warns: this will be used for ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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4 votes

Can't set master password in the tor browser

It's a bug that will be fixed soon, see:
hidden_elephant's user avatar
3 votes

Load an html file in tails browser while offline?

This is a restriction put in place by AppArmor to confine Tor Browser, as such cannot open files in the users home directory or mounted media except where explicitly excepted. For this purpose, there ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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3 votes

Can't set master password in the tor browser

This got fixed as of 10.5.4 (based on Mozilla Firefox 78.13.0esr): Source:
ScumCoder's user avatar
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Why does Tor Browser use Firefox?

Tor Browser is a set of design goals for anonymous browsing. See: The Design and Implementation of the Tor Browser. So, while the current Tor Browser that's distributed is a patched version of ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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How to make tor browser work with the system tor service rather than the tor service provided with the browser

From the guide I wrote, available on the Tor Project wiki here: Add or edit the following lines in your torrc: # add these flags to SocksPort to act like Tor Browser SocksPort 9050 IPv6Traffic ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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Tor vs Brave - which is technically more effective to hinder user tracking - fingerprint generalization or randomization?

I think you're not going to get a lot of good answers because no one has done a study comparing the two in detail and AFAIK that hasn't been done yet. If we think about it, The Tor Project wants ...
elmerjfudd's user avatar
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DuckDuckGo does not work correctly through Tor

May I suggest that you try the onion address for DuckDuckgo? : https://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/ It's what I use and find it well, cleaner in the way it presents itself. Also, and I don't know if it ...
Harold C.'s user avatar
2 votes

Whatsapp Web QR Code flashes and vanishes

Enter about:config into the address bar. You'll see a warning. Please be careful when making changes. Enter privacy.resistFingerprinting.autoDeclineNoUserInputCanvasPrompts into the search bar and ...
fdf's user avatar
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TOR 10: An Error Occurred ‘try again’ Playback ID on YouTube Update 1700 UTC 2020-09-24: After investigating the error seen by Windows users while playing videos on Youtube, a user helped us identify the ...
Justin's user avatar
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Tor Browser always display substitute tofu character after update

Found working solution (at least for Fedora 35) go into font.config file line 37 in the home folder ~/.local/share/torbrowser/tbb/x86_64/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/TorBrowser/Data/fontconfig/fonts....
DenisZ's user avatar
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1 vote

Why does having a second non-Tor browser open compromise your anonymity on Tor?

Timing Attacks: Having another non-Tor browser open will deanonymize you if it is correlated with the information the other browsers/programs provided. This means that you should avoid visiting the ...
Swangie's user avatar
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Never using Tails and Tor from home IP address but still caught

It is possible, but highly unlikely. No matter what steps are taken, true anonymity is never possible. If someone was running an illegal business, the authorities would eventually find them and arrest ...
Swangie's user avatar
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Viewing videos using Tor Browser & anonimity

The Tor Browser developers have designed the Tor Browser to not leak your identity in its default configuration, and you should not need to change any settings. If there are features that can reveal ...
Steve's user avatar
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How to show the Tor Browser, again the menu items that are hidden compared to the esr version?

If you're looking for IP address "obfuscation" rather than anonymity, you could run Tor standalone and take a normal firefox and set it's proxy settings to the socks port of Tor. If you're ...
silverstar's user avatar
1 vote

Cloudflare's new .onion DNS resolver?

Does it make sense? Yes it makes sense. Using the Cloudflare resolver over it's onion address gives you additional privacy and also makes the dns query tamper resistant.
bn4t's user avatar
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Using Telegram Web inside Tor Browser: Log-in attempts fail several times?

Sometimes websites will block Tor users because they can't tell the difference between the average Tor user and some malicious or automated traffic. Source: My favorite website is blocking access ...
Mori's user avatar
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How does Tor browser find hidden websites

So my question is, how does Tor do that? It doesn't. How can you find websites that doesn't have any links pointing to it? At best, either brute-force guessing or some information leak outside of ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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Does Tor prevent people from finding the sites you visited before dowloading Tor, or does it only block your history after downloading Tor?

I assume you're talking about Tor Browser here. Tor Browser itself doesn't keep a history of the pages you visited. If it comes to any pages you visit using other browsers, Tor Browser does not try to ...
Peter Gerber's user avatar
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Browser Fingerprinting in TAILS

Tails uses the standard Tor Browse and so any Tails users should look just like any other Tor user. How can I minimize the risks of browser fingerprinting? This is pretty simple: Don't alter the ...
elmerjfudd's user avatar
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How to open V3 onion links using Onion Browser Button for Chrome?

Whatever this Onion Browser Button thing is, this is not from the Tor Project and is possibly malware, stealing your data, etc. so I would suggest removing it ASAP. If you want to run Tor in Chrome ...
elmerjfudd's user avatar
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viewing files on local machine via tor browser

This is probably going to be based more on how your OS works but I will try to answer the question. First, the easy one. In Firefox or any other normal browser, you can go to file:/// to browse your ...
elmerjfudd's user avatar
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What is the best practice for browsing without the Tor Browser?

Probably, you could use qemu - virtual machine on *BSD. Inside it, you could simply run LiveCD Linux, for example Kali-Linux. Thereafter, you might mount host / or / visit to fetch ...
StealthShadowCrew's user avatar
1 vote

Visiting Clearnet websites using Tor Browser

Generally yes, any requests to websites you visit in the Tor Browser whether it’s an onion address or a regular address will be routed through the Tor network. This means that any website you visit ...
Steve's user avatar
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What is DuckDuckGo and how is it related to Tor browser?

DuckDuckGo is a search engine just like Google. Like Google, DuckDuckGo crawls the web and indexes it and gives you relevant results when you search using it. Unlike Google, DuckDuckGo does not track ...
Henry Gordon's user avatar
1 vote

What is DuckDuckGo and how is it related to Tor browser?

Tor Browser is a webbrowser focused on privacy and anonymous communication. DuckDuckGo is a web search which respects your privacy, avoids a filter bubble and even provides a hidden service: http://...
DJCrashdummy's user avatar
1 vote

ultimate encryption and protection of sensitive data

Don´t exists a "ultimate encryption tool" but with right tools e a little discipline is possible protect your files with a good encryption cipher and software, my recommendation is Veracrypt with AES-...
Kordycepts's user avatar
1 vote

ultimate encryption and protection of sensitive data

There is unfortunately no "ultimate encryption tool". However there are some tools, that if used correctly provide reasonable security. These tools listed here are well known to provide strong enough ...
bn4t's user avatar
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1 vote

Whatsapp Web QR Code flashes and vanishes

In the adress bar in Tor enter: about:config Accept the risk Search for privacy.resistFingerprinting.autoDeclineNoUserInputCanvasPrompts Change the value from "true" to "false" Open WhatsApp web and ...
Pablo's user avatar
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If i download Tor will i keep my other browsers and be able to use them still?

Sure you will be able to use your browsers: it's just another browser on your system. And - regardless of many others - it's installer does not set it as a default totally, so you are free to use it ...
Alexey Vesnin's user avatar
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