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3 votes

How to perform NAT Punching with Tor

The NAT punching properties described in the video, are those of onion services. These are a default property of onion services. Normally if you've providing a service that you want to be accessible ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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ssh reverse connect tor

So , i solved the problem. Change torsocks to ssh -o "ProxyCommand socat - SOCKS4A:localhost:%h:%p,socksport=9050" and now a can create reverse connect from device to my server.
soik's user avatar
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Cannot SSH from Tails

The issue is that Tails' ssh config will try to use Tor to connect to any internet routable address, with exceptions set for private IP ranges. Since you're referencing the public address, ssh is ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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Can a onion domain I register be discovered if I don't make it public?

If you are using a v2 address. It is theoretically possible for it to be found on accident. Security via obscurity isn't very good. Let's say you up your game. Instead, you use a v3 address. This ...
elmerjfudd's user avatar
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SSH with torify/socks

From HowToForge: Add this to your ~/.ssh/config/ Host anon_* CheckHostIP no Compression yes Protocol 2 ProxyCommand connect -4 -S localhost:9050 $(tor-resolve %h localhost:9050) %p Host ...
anzo's user avatar
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SSH from host into virtual machine over tor

You need Tor's DNS port on the Leader to be in /etc/resolv.conf as a primary one, so dot-onion hostname for Follower will be resolvable into Tor's virtual network mapped. Your problem starts when the ...
Alexey Vesnin's user avatar
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How to connect to onion service via PuTTY

As Steve pointed out in a comment, the solution is to keep the same settings, but set the PuTTY SOCKS5 proxy to run on port 9150, after which the SSH login works successfully.
Richard's user avatar
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Why does Tor not block port 22?

When I look at my servers I see lots of scanning on port 22. Most of them are not via Tor exits, but using other machines. So I think it doesn't make much difference if Tor would disable that by ...
Jens Kubieziel's user avatar
1 vote

Can a onion domain I register be discovered if I don't make it public?

If for whatever reason it's not secure to let port 22 open on Internet, why'd it be so inside Tor? What kind of thing would change security risks? You could be behind some corporate firewall that ...
nobody's user avatar
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Torbrowser over an SSH tunnel with SOCKS 5

First of all, you should be aware that using ssh offers very little, if any, privacy protection. I strongly recommend against it. See this question for why. Tried to reproduce the issue, appears to ...
Peter Gerber's user avatar
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Using ddclient in Whonix?

No, you cannot directly have an incoming clearnet IP. I.e. you cannot use the public clearnet IP of a Tor exit relay to anonymously host a server. Explanation on incoming connections / opening ports: ...
adrelanos's user avatar
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TOR BUG,Tor dropping SSH tunnel to hidden SSH service

The problem was the server was hosted on a non-standard ssh port (2022). Solutions: Use the LongLivedPorts to add your port in your torrc and make more stable connections for certain ports If the ...
Polarsbear's user avatar

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