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3 votes

Confused with user running tor (Address already in use. Is Tor already running?)

You Tor is running as a systemd service so trying to run a second instance manually won't work. If you run "sudo systemctl stop tor" then you can use the tor command because you've stopped the process ...
elmerjfudd's user avatar
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Is there a way in tor to tell to prefer tor relays from another country?

Well, it depends on the relay's place in the chain: Entry node - yes, you can use EntryNodes {us},{fr} for example, to specify the countries USA and France Middle node - via configuration file - no, ...
Alexey Vesnin's user avatar
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How to use FTP with Tor?

You need to make sure that these lines exist in the serverside torrc configuration: HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/ftp-service/ HiddenServicePort 21 You should also make sure you use ...
c3ypt1c's user avatar
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Tails: How to connect Tails to a Samba network-share?

Yes, from the top bar of the desktop: Applications -> Accessories -> Files On the Files window, on the bookmarks bar on the left, scroll to the bottom of the list and select Other Locations. At the ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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Running Tor in /opt

In complement of Alexey's detailed answer, let me add the following. As indicated, for instance, here, the simpler way to install tor browser in /opt on Linux is probably the following: Download a ...
Clément's user avatar
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Does installing Tor as root user cause problems?

No. The tor package available through apt-get isn't needed or related to using Tor Browser. As such the steps you performed as root won't affect the steps you performed to install Tor Browser, ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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Website Monitoring of Tor Onion Services

I don't know of any uptime SaaS providers that support monitoring websites on their onion service endpoints. cron Until that day comes (as it's hard to think of a reason why any admins shouldn't make ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
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Process "tor" from user "debian-tor" keeps automatically restarting since last Tor Browser update

This process exists because you ran apt install tor sometime in the past (or you installed something else that lists tor as a dependency, such as apt install onionshare). This installs the Tor network ...
Steve's user avatar
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How can I install Tor Browser if is blocked by my ISP?

The recommended way to install Tor Browser is to install it directly and not through torbrowser-launcher. There is some information about getting Tor Browser on the website, but since ...
Steve's user avatar
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debian-tor vs User

debian-tor is an service account (group) created by Tor during installation. It has it's shell acces set to /bin/flase which means you'll be logged out immediately when trying to login using it. You ...
Algo7's user avatar
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Confused with user running tor (Address already in use. Is Tor already running?)

Try - sudo systemctl stop tor In the worst case scenario - sudo killall tor This will kill all the process related to tor
rkc007's user avatar
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Debian Buster Tor crash upon attempt to re-install it anew

This appears to be that issue that is reported here: After you updated, your apparmor profile probably got screwed up. The suggested fix ...
elmerjfudd's user avatar
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Where can I download .asc public key for Tor Browser?

The WKD URL for the validation key for TBB is However, using the command given in the official ...
womble's user avatar
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Where can I download .asc public key for Tor Browser?

I don't know who the person is that wrote that, but the official documentation searches the keyserver to get it. See here: On Linux you ...
elmerjfudd's user avatar
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I can't import the Tor gpg debian repository keys

Grab the latest build of Tor project from their download page for linux. I just did it and was 8.5.1. Make sure you are in the same directory you downloaded the Tor project in to. In my case I ...
tldr's user avatar
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Why does the tor daemon start automatically in Ubuntu/Debian?

Normally users would expect network services that are installed to start automatically, this is true for other network services under debian or ubuntu like httpd or sshd. If you're running a relay or ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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/var/lib/tor is not owned by this user (root, 0) but by debian-tor (110)

The first line of the warn message has some hints. The directory /var/lib/tor is owned by the user debian-tor. You executed sudo tor which means that the Tor process is run by the root user. This ...
Jens Kubieziel's user avatar
1 vote

Unable to receive and add Tor's keys to apt

Works here, either the servers were down (unlikely) or you can't access them because they are blocked (e.g. Firewall) You can import the key manually like this: gpg --import PATH_TO_KEY gpg --export ...
Peter Gerber's user avatar
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Compile Tor Browser on Raspberry Pi 2

Tor Browser does not work on ARM as of this time. TOR ticket tracker for porting to ARM hasn't had much traction at all. I wouldn't expect this ...
betastack's user avatar
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Compile Tor Browser on Raspberry Pi 2

Speaking from experience, this is not currently possible. During the compiling process, the make script will download some binaries that are only built for X86 and not for ARM and therefore the ...
elmerjfudd's user avatar
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Follow-up question: Why my log is not showing tor_notices.log and tor_traces.log?

I'll summarize the discussion from the comments and the chat here: The original poster had a system-wide installation of Tor in their Debian system and furthermore installed a Tor Browser. The system-...

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