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2 votes

nginx leaks my hidden service port number

I fixed it myself. I just added this directive to nginx.conf : port_in_redirect off; This directive briefly described in nginx doc:
egor2223's user avatar
1 vote Reports the Same Proxy, TorBrowser or Firefox (non-tor)

DO NOT USE A VPN WITH TOR This has been documented to be a very bad idea. The VPN will track everything you do, and destroy your anonymity. Just connect directly to Tor, and if needed to access Tor,...
unixandria's user avatar
1 vote

Protect against pseudonymous identity activity on a forum and traffic correlation?

Assuming the observer is watching all the traffic from your computer and also that specific server, I think your best bet to help mask your activity is to make sure you use Tor for more than just ...
BHydden's user avatar
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1 vote

How to Detect Tor Usage From Old Network Traces?

When is working, it will tell you whether an IP address was a relay for a given date. Besides that, you can find old consensuses and search yourself https://metrics....
pastly's user avatar
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1 vote

List of attacks that try to trick browser to not use SOCKS/Tor

adding to the types you've mentioned there're two other kinds of them: Zero-Day exploits Tor browser is a Firefox by roots, so some Firefox zero-day exploits are affecting it too. It's OK for any ...
Alexey Vesnin's user avatar
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