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11 votes

Where is the tor log file

By default stdout and stderr of a systemd unit are sent to syslog. On my machine(Kali distro) it is stored in /var/log/syslog. So to see tor unit output run cat /var/log/syslog | grep tor -i Or to ...
pouya's user avatar
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WARN: Failed to find node for hop 0 of our path. Discarding this circuit

Tor needs an accurate clock to work correctly. Please sync your time with an NTP (Network Time Protocol) server. Debian family On Debian based machines use package ntpdate. sudo ntpdate -v pool....
NeverMine17's user avatar
4 votes

Where is the tor log file

Usually Tor stores its log files in /var/log/tor. Depending from the specific settings you'll find /var/log/tor/notices.log, /var/log/tor/log, /var/log/tor/info.log, etc. The option Log in torrc ...
Jens Kubieziel's user avatar
3 votes

How can an external observer detect if a malicious relay does excessive logging?

There is no way short of the hypothetical attacks you mentioned to determine if a relay is excessively logging. Excessive logging is a criterion for considering a relay malicious but that doesn't mean ...
forest's user avatar
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2 votes

Where is the tor log file

Usually Tor stores its log files in /var/log/tor. Depending from the specific settings you'll find /var/log/tor/notices.log, /var/log/tor/log, /var/log/tor/info.log, etc. The option Log in torrc ...
Mrpratik's user avatar
1 vote

How to access Tor's request error logs?

The Tor Browser has more detailed information because it uses the ExtendedErrors configuration for the SocksPort in the torrc file. For example in your torrc file, you can use SocksPort 9050 ...
Steve's user avatar
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Received http status code 302 from server while fetching consensus directory

Take a look at the suggested configuration for CentOS. As long as you aren't running an exit node, this should be all you need. You can also find help from fellow relay operators here.
elmerjfudd's user avatar
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Error: Couldn't rotate onion key

After looking into this again after leaving it for a long time, I quickly found the solution. It turned out that the files in the /var/lib/tor/keys folder were not owned nor writable for the debian-...
bitsadmin's user avatar
1 vote

Notice: Your relay has a very large number of connections to other relays

So I believe I found the answer to this, in case anyone stumbles across this... According to a thread on Tor's bug tracker, this is "normal" and is only a concern if the number is greater than 60. ...
skarz's user avatar
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Why can't I find Tor's logs or how do I check Tor works normally?

Debug level logging is disabled as it would contain information that could be dangerous to keep around. If your bridge had serious problems that prevented it from working, these would be available in ...
irl's user avatar
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What do these notices mean?

It looks like it's trying to fetch information from about the relays (I assume over it's own copy of Polipo) and since Polipo is trying to use Tor, which hasn't ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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How to Configure a tor on a domain-joined Windows at work

It looks like you need to configure proxy credentials to access the internet. Onion/Tor Button -> Network Settings Tick 'This computer needs to use a local proxy to access the Internet' and ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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System tor does nothing after a system wide upgrade

This is a known issue on Ubuntu/Debian, there's a conflict with apparmor because Tor is still running as root when it tries to scan the hidden service directories. They're looking into making the ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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Fingerprint is marked rejected

The IP address belongs to the host which is a directory authority within the Tor network. It seems it has banned your relay from the network (Fingerprint is marked ...
Jens Kubieziel's user avatar
1 vote

What does your router see/log when visiting a tor hidden site address?

The answer assumes that your runnig the the tor deamon on the same host as the browser and that DNS lookup are done via Tor. Both holds true if you use the Tor Browser. If I visit http:/...
Peter Gerber's user avatar
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Tor Error Log - non-control connections-any solution

The log you're showing can be MitM - and there's how to check it: make a su to your Tor user do a traceroute to the - or also to other IP's that are mentioned in that Problem ...
Alexey Vesnin's user avatar
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What does "v1", "v2", "v3" and "v4" connections mean?

These are versions on the OR protocol which are negotiated between the client and the relay upon connection. From tor-spec.txt: 2. Connections ...[SNIP]... The initiator then sends a VERSIONS cell ...
cacahuatl's user avatar
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Follow-up question: Why my log is not showing tor_notices.log and tor_traces.log?

I'll summarize the discussion from the comments and the chat here: The original poster had a system-wide installation of Tor in their Debian system and furthermore installed a Tor Browser. The system-...

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