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Questions tagged [torsocks]

Torifying wrapper to redirect the traffic of socks-compatible apps through the tor network.

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PERROR torsocks [2893]

I am trying to get Tor relay working and I obviously have done some thing wrong, as I keep getting the torsocks PERROR when testing. I entered the command curl and get 82.3.5....
Ysblik's user avatar
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Is it safe to pipe profanity through torsocks? is a console based XMPP client written in C. It doesn't (unfortunately) have any kind of proxy support built-in. Is is safe to use torsocks with a console based program like profanity?
user17159's user avatar
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How to run multiple Tor browsers with different IPs on the latest version 6.5.1?

I would like to run multiple Tor Browsers on Windows all at once, with each having a unique Tor IP address. I have already seen this instruction, but it doesn't work anymore as extensions.torbutton....
Aleksander's user avatar
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Is this normal? Am seeing SAME exit/ entry nodes from same 2-3 countries all the time! :(

To my knowledge there are hundreds of Tor entry/exit nodes. But during a 4-5 hour browsing I am only seeing nodes from France (a lot), Germany and the Netherlands. Why am i not seeing any nodes from ...
Josh Pui's user avatar
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tbb-nightly-hardened provides no TCP socks proxy, only unix domain socket. is that normal?

I noticed when trying the nightly hardened that the TBB now doesn't spawn an TCP socks proxy but rather use a unix domain sockets is that to be the expected behavior for the future of TBB hardened ? (...
Hiryc's user avatar
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Tor Multiplexing [closed]

I'm trying to understand how tor multiplexing work. I went through all their design documentation and original research paper, but there is very little mention of it. Examining Tor source code, didn't ...
Yasir Al-Agl's user avatar
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Using Tor in perl script with $mech->get

I am trying to use the following in my perl script, can anyone tel me why i am unable to connect. Where am I wrong? my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new(); $mech->proxy(['http'], 'http://...
user2829148's user avatar
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How cna I make a request through the Tor daemon originate from a US IP?

I”m using Tor on Mac Sierra. I’m having trouble reaching a site using my Tor daemon, which I start like so tor --CookieAuthentication 0 --HashedControlPassword "" --ControlPort 9050 --...
Dave's user avatar
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Torsocks hangs when I try and download a file

I'm using Tor v0.2.8.9 on Mac Sierra. I start Tor like so tor --CookieAuthentication 0 --HashedControlPassword "" --ControlPort 9050 --SocksPort 50003 HOwever when I try and get a file using ...
Dave's user avatar
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Torsocks vs Proxychains?

I often alternate between torsocks/proxychains when using wget, youtube-dl, gpg2, ssh, pacman and more [non-multithreading] applications. If torsocks breaks or seems abnormally slow, I'll likely try ...
user16283's user avatar
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Why are Tor Browser's tor and standalone tor isolated?

I have Tor Browser Bundle 6.0.7 installed on linux and I also installed stand-alone tor through yum. I run standalone tor in a shell while TBB is running but any shell traffic (e.g. wget) redirected ...
Cool Charac's user avatar
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How to make the terminal continue after starting Tor?

Currently I'm startin Tor as follows: tor & but this holds up the terminal and thus I need to press enter to continue. In a script this may not the desired behaviour, so I was wondering if it's ...
user avatar
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What is the listener_type argument in the stem controller module?

The function get_ports(): get_ports(listener_type, default = UNDEFINED) as defined in the stem controller module description here needs a listener_type variable as argument defined on the link as ...
user avatar
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Send request to the custom host/site through the Tor network programmatically, without Tor Browser installing (C++ Qt, using Winsock2)

Show me please any minimum-worked example of C++ Qt (or pure C++) code, which sends request via sockets to IP on port 12345 through the Tor network - without Tor Browser installing, of ...
aversilov's user avatar
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What is the default maximum number of concurrent connections to the Tor network client?

What is the limit and is it configurable? I am connecting via Polipo SOCKS5 proxy. Edit: I'm asking because I see a lot of 504s when I go for multiple simultaneous requests.
user1561108's user avatar
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What's the difference between ControlPort and SocksPort

I would like to run Tor on my Mac, such that another program (a Ruby script) can make HTTP requests through my running Tor process. I installed via "sudo port install tor" and then launched ...
Dave's user avatar
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Debian-tor user running tor in the background from startup

I recently noticed (by doing top) that there is a process running tor by the user debian-tor. I have installed tor, and use it frequently along with torsocks, but I didn't expect to see it running ...
user141's user avatar
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How to add Tor Services in My Java Application [closed]

I am working online application and while working , some of my ip are banned . After that i came to know about Tor and i want to know how to add the tor services in java applications. Please do ...
Eswar's user avatar
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Can't use onion mail service with torified claws-mail

I tried to use the hidden service of an email provider with claws mail. I start the client with torify claws mail, but it doesn't work. I only get: Connection to hiddenmailservice.onion:995 failed. ...
frosty2's user avatar
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Tor Remote Desktop Client Tool

I was curious if anyone knows if Tor (maybe Firefox more specific) supports any client tool (even betas) which would allow RDP port 3389 connections from the browser while on the Tor network? The ...
SlickNutz's user avatar
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Should I worry about this torify (torsocks) warning?

WARNING torsocks[4382]: [syscall] Unsupported syscall number 319. Denying the call (in tsocks_syscall() at syscall.c:465) I've seen other reports on different websites with different numbers. I was ...
Kete's user avatar
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How to properly start tor service

For months I've been using: $ sudo systemctl start tor.service but I just realized we can start tor by simply typing "tor" into a terminal. What's the proper/safest way to start and stop tor.service?...
user13933's user avatar
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IRC Server behind a tor hidden service?

I host my own irc server, but I would like to serve it using tor hidden service, I already have a tor .onion site using vbox, and it is not the same approach to setup for an irc server, at least it is ...
devasia2112's user avatar
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How can I bridge Wlan to Ethernet through tor?

Hi I want to bridge WiFi to Ethernet but I want to do it more anonymous. So how can I do it with the tor network? By the way I want to use Linux for doing that. So please don't send me Windows ...
user13827's user avatar
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Questions about tor, tor browser and the possibility of 6 relays stacking

If I run tor through socks proxy ( installed from sudo apt install tor on linux mint 18 and I browse with the tor browser bundle, does that mean I going through 6 relays? If so how ...
m894v5n74v539nm8's user avatar
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Tor socks libtorsocks warning

I using the torsocks with curl. torsocks curl It shows the following error libtorsocks(15700): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the ...
SuperKrish's user avatar
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Using Tox( with Tor

I know there's "Tor Messenger", but it's centralized, not peer to peer. So I am using "qTox" with Tor, which use Tox protocol (again, not "tor" but "tox"). The question is, does Tor welcome P2P ...
ToxUser's user avatar
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how to force tor to use just Http(s) Not socks5

A proxy supports only http(S), No socks5. In other words,i want to configure Tor to use HTTP proxy, not an SOCKS proxy.
abdel's user avatar
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How can I force terminal to use Tor on Ubuntu

I wanted to install a program on terminal but it's blocked. How do I torfiy my terminal to fetch the package over Tor?
CatCoder's user avatar
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How can I make sure my stock apps are connecting through orbot?

How can I make sure my stock apps are connecting through orbot? I've installed orbot & it's seems to be working as google throws captcha in orfox but stock apps such as youtube still opens page ...
Trumvect gendila's user avatar
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Whonix proxy and isolation

I set up Whonix Gateway, Workstation and Iceweacel. I also set up a Proxy on Iceweaceal (in Preferences) at the Gateway and now my IP address is defined as the one on the proxy. But I'm confused ... ...
ideloxew's user avatar
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Are the external IP addresses the same for two torified programs simultaneously running?

Suppose there are two torified programs that are simultaneously running in the shell on the same computer (which uses a single network interface). Are the external IP addresses assigned to the two ...
Tim's user avatar
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Answer me please; Tor doesn't work! [duplicate]

Russian text: Доброе утро ! Я 2 месяца не пользовался Tor Browser... А потом, возникла необходимость воспользоваться Tor Browser, и я запустил этот броузер (ранее был установлен в моём ...
Alex's user avatar
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Allow command-line tor client to accept anonymous connection from private address

I am running the command-line tor client on OS X 10.10 and I have a short script that routes all my WiFi network connections through the SOCKS proxy where tor is listening ( INTERFACE=...
kilgoretrout's user avatar
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Is it possible to keep a list of IPs/Websites which I don't want to use Tor to connect to?

I am new to the Tor world, and I really like the idea of it! But now I encountered some issue when I applied the "Torify" to my own python program torify my_python_program As stated in the URL:...
John the Traveler's user avatar
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torsocks[30239]: [connect] Connection to a local address are denied

I want to open a shared folder at home for me to access at work, because most ftp is blocked by firewall I though I'd find an inventive way to access my files. On my remote host (at home) I host a tor ...
Tom Kustermans's user avatar
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SSH to Tor Hidden service running on Home Computer failed

Tor recently started fiddling with Tor and found out I can host a Tor hidden service that will allow me to forward SSH traffic through a firewall. My setup is: I have a computer at home hosting a SSH ...
Tom Kustermans's user avatar
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Can't reach port 9050

I have a problem with tor (this version and also 0.2.7.*). After compilation, with and without installation afterwards, I can'treach port 9050. I would like to see with arm what's going on but it ...
Hirsch's user avatar
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Tor Path Selection using Stem to choose middle node

Has anyone had luck selecting the middle node used within the path selection of tor using Stem? I am trying to set a specific set of routers (non public, so will have a different directory server, ...
computerstaat's user avatar
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Torify + Whois don't work ;(

as i wrote in title. Typing in command: torify whois ****.com Output: [Mar 04 01:29:26] PERROR torsocks[21980]: socks5 libc connect: Connection refused (in socks5_connect() at socks5.c:185) ...
inf's user avatar
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How to set Tor proxy for Windows 10 instead of VPN?

When I open windows 10 settings and then "Network & Internet" I see: Settings -> Network & Internet 1. Data usage ...
IremadzeArchil19910311's user avatar
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Proxychain not resolving the host

It seems weird...i have installed Tor,Privoxy and Proxychains on my Ubuntu for an experimental purpose..i managed to install it properly and got proxychain to run and resolve proxychains ...
RaGa__M's user avatar
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How to figure out why torsocks isn't working on OS X

I installed tor and torsocks on OS X 10.11 with brew and then ran tor. $ brew up $ brew install tor torsocks $ tor --version Tor version $ torsocks --version Torsocks 2.1.0 $ tor In another ...
yansal's user avatar
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SOCKS 5 Proxy Exceptions w/ Tor BB

I am successfully running all network traffic through Tor BB's proxy server on OS X by having changed my ethernet and wifi settings to run through the SOCKS 5 proxy via port 9150 in System Preferences....
oemb1905's user avatar
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How could I configure a version of Tor to run only as a proxy?

I use Chrome and Yandex.Browser (basically a more private version of Chrome with a nicer GUI) and I want to be able to access the Tor network in these applications. I don't want a full Tor Browser to ...
speedstyle's user avatar
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Make the Tor interface an httpproxy

Tor uses a SOCKS5 interface to communicate with applications. I am making an application with winHttp that needs to use Tor, but winHttp only can use HTTP proxies. Is there any way to change Tor's '...
devnull's user avatar
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How to ssh to a hidden service with torsocks [closed]

How do I ssh to a hidden service with torsocks? Manual for torsocks says that ssh should work just fine yet it doesn't. It fails with the following: $ torsocks ssh [email protected] ...
sanmai's user avatar
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Debian-based: torsocks + Chromium-browser = DNS Leakage?

System: latest Kali ( Debian-based ) $ torsocks chromium-browser 00:00:00 libtorsocks(1): sendmsg: Connection is a UDP or ICMP stream, may be a DNS request or other form of leak: rejecting. 00:00:00 ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Cannot use ftp with Tor

Whenever I attempt to connect to my FTP server with Tor, it rejects it. The FTP server is using a hidden service, I must use Tor to connect to it. What Tor says: [warn] Rejectiong SOCKS request ...
Aurora's user avatar
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SSH tunnel SOCKS5 or VPN after Tor with Tails

I am using Tails 1.2.2 as OS. I need to use anything to hide the fact I'm using Tor, so far I've tried socks5 with proxychains but the permission is denied when I check with curl. SSH tunnel are also ...
randomguy's user avatar