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Questions tagged [transparent-proxy]

A transparent proxy intercepts normal communication at the network layer without requiring any special client configuration. Clients need not be aware of the existence of the proxy.

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1 answer

How to use tor browser inside a transparent proxy?

Is it possible to use tor browser inside a transparent proxy? I try to use the tor browser inside a transparent proxy but I can't, it gives an error. The transparent proxy itself works perfectly, in ...
MATRIX UNIVERSE's user avatar
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Tor on OpenWRT using snowflake bridge for circumventing the internet censorship (Transparent Proxy TP)

I am using OpenWRT router 22.03.03 in a heavily censored country. That said all the VPN protocols are filtered and stopped working and the only option for getting connected to the free internet is ...
Sina S.'s user avatar
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How to route all network traffic through tor

I'm trying to create a network that sends all traffic through tor. So far I've got a PFsense box acting as a router and a separate debian instance with tor installed and running. Is there a way to ...
MikeSchem's user avatar
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Tor transparent IPv6 destination_from_socket(): Bug

Configuration file torrc User root PidFile /opt/var/run/ #Log info file /opt/var/log/tor.log Log notice file /opt/var/log/tor.log ExcludeExitNodes {RU},{UA},{AM},{KG},{BY} StrictNodes 1 ...
Avenger's user avatar
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How am I anonymous and safe with my config?

I have got ThinkPad T400 with coreboot and minimal OpenBSD installation with full-disk encryption. All non-Tor traffic is dropped by pf. Only allowed traffic on the host is torified traffic from ...
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Why doing transparent proxy is a bad idea?

I wonder why Tor Browser, Tails or Whonix are the most preferred ways of browsing Tor. What's wrong with manually doing a transparent proxy and routing all traffic over Tor through iptables? Why do it ...
user avatar
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If multiple users connect through the same Tor router can data be correlated?

Let's say I setup a transparent/isolating Tor proxy (dedicated machine/router), through which all traffic is forced before going out to the Internet. There are a five machines "behind" that Tor proxy,...
user569825's user avatar
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tor browser bundle + sshuttle safe together?

I started using sshuttle as "poor man's VPN over SSH" to forward all the outgoing tcp traffic / dns query to a private server. sshuttle allows you to create a VPN connection from your machine to ...
Paolo's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I verify that TransPort is working correctly?

I have a Tor router set up as docker image, but there's an issue (as described in
user569825's user avatar
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Iptables - Transparent Proxy with only one interface

I'm new to TOR and I'm trying to anonymize Internet connections from an automated malware analysis lab. All my machines are in the same subnetwork, and I just specify my TOR machine as a gateway for ...
Makuro's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Problems disabling socks5 proxy | tor [closed]

I was trying to create a PHP application that utilizes a local socks5 proxy to anonymize my IP address on each curl request. I couldn't successfully get the application to use a socks5 proxy. But in ...
Jamie Lindsey's user avatar
3 votes
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Torsocks vs Proxychains?

I often alternate between torsocks/proxychains when using wget, youtube-dl, gpg2, ssh, pacman and more [non-multithreading] applications. If torsocks breaks or seems abnormally slow, I'll likely try ...
user16283's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does TransparentProxy working with `nameserver` but doesn't working with iptables redirects?

This my second question is a continuation of my first one. Setup is default Kali 2 and configured anonymous user from TransparentProxy manual on it. While I'm using nameserver in /etc/...
overuser's user avatar
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resolving onion domains partially fails

Init: For user anonymous configured transpared proxy. Wireshark sniffing lo... Trying to use console network-tools torified. anonymous@kali:/tmp$ time strace -s6000 -t -f dig facebookcorewwwi....
overuser's user avatar
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How to map public static IP addresses to Hidden Services?

we want to configure a TOR router to route public static IP addresses to hidden services. Currently we have the following setup working: VirtualAddrNetworkIPv4 VirtualAddrNetworkIPv6 [...
Renne's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Use IPTables to force traffic through Tor?

Just wondering, I am using Debian, I am wondering if I can make IPTables or a easier to use firewall drop all traffic but the traffic I allow (including DNS) goes through Tor. Can this be done? I don'...
fgsrgg's user avatar
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Error configuring tor as transparent proxy with IPv6

I'm trying to setup a Tor transparent proxy VM to work over IPv6. The Tor manual states that for the VirtualAddrNetworkIPv6 setting: When providing proxy server service to a network of computers ...
Osirus's user avatar
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Trying to setup a transparent proxy, getting getsockopt() errors

I've been trying to setup a transparent Linux-based tor proxy on CHIP, following these instructions. I've created a /etc/tor/torrc file like this: Log notice file /var/log/tor/notices.log ...
Aviad Ben Dov's user avatar
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Hidden service not accessible after configuring transparent proxy

I am configuring a transparent proxy on my server using the instructions given here Everything is fine, I make required changes to ...
Chris J.'s user avatar
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Transparent proxy improvement using haproxy load balancer?

I want to know if isn't a good idea to use many instances of Tor and load balancing them through haproxy. I've tested here.. I ran 20 Tor instances (20 socks5 ports) and load balanced them through ...
leviathan's user avatar
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Why Tor node maintains TLS keys with every other Tor node?

I read that Tor proxy maintains key with each Tor node for encryption. Then, why does a Tor node maintains TLS keys with other Tor nodes?
user3857907's user avatar
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How Tor client determinates the destination port when transparent proxy is configured?

In normal environment, when some program use SOCKS as communication protocol with the client, the destination port and IP are stored in the SOCKS header, and then the Tor client include them in the ...
programings's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How does Tor transparent proxying work?

I would like to configure my wireless router as an "anonymizing middlebox" for guests. I have read the directions here. The tutorial, as I understand: Creates a wireless network and assigns it to a ...
matega's user avatar
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How to share my Tor connection with my internal network (Tor 3.5)?

I'm using the windows installation of the Tor browser bundle. I would like to share that connection with another interface on that computer so that the entire connection with that network is piped ...
Miphix's user avatar
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Orbot settings for Wifi with proxy!

I need to use a proxy in order to use Wifi at the office. For 'Tor browser bundle' (on my laptop) I know where to write the Wifi proxy settings, but where do I enter them when using orbot? (on ...
Sidbk01's user avatar
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Is TransPort deprecated? If not, what are recommended use cases?

I've gotten the sense that using TransPort as a transparent proxy is more-or-less deprecated, vs using application-specific SocksPort and, if necessary, torsocks. Is that correct? If not, what are ...
mirimir's user avatar
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Firefox doesn't resolve onion addresses

I'm looking for this option in about:config for firefox, to access to onion domains. I've configured anonymous user on my Ubuntu: iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT ! -o lo -p tcp -m owner --uid-owner ...
superuser's user avatar
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Android can't connect after Orbot crash

Am I screwed? Installed Orbot, enabled transparent proxying, tried to connect, connection failed, Orbot crashed. Now, I can't connect at all. Tried resetting Orbot, re-booting, re-configuring. Just ...
Ardvark Twist's user avatar
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Route c++ through Tor using socks

I'm working on a windows application that will make post get requests and interact with a hidden service. It will require Tor.exe running on the system listening, and thats fine. I get that Tor ...
david's user avatar
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Is it possible to run Tor before windows login?

I have set a computer at my home as Tor proxy server that pass the traffic of my internet users through the Tor network. Whenever my server restart I have to manually login my server to let Tor expert ...
behrad mahboobi's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How can I pass all wifi traffic through Tor?

Background: Where I work there is a transparent proxy which restricts us to connect only to ftp, http and https websites. I am using Tor and to connect to any other destination port I use proxychains ...
Swapniel's user avatar
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Orbot, SSL Error 3 - Why?

I'm in a private network, where everything runs on a proxy, that uses a HTTP, the phone/tablet isn't rooted. On Orbot, I have put in the address, I have put in the ports and all the bridges too. ...
Demonwolf2198's user avatar
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Anonymous Tor middlebox

I am new here and have a question about using Tor as an anonymous middlebox. I have a Windows machine and I want to anonymise my internet useage from time to time. The Tor browser is a fantastic ...
t0ru5r's user avatar
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How should I configure my Isolating Proxy firewall for optimum security?

I'm setting up a Tor-based isolating proxy using the 'Anonymizing Middlebox' iptables rules specified here: i.e. iptables -t nat -...
Anon's user avatar
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Setting up Tor middlebox through ubuntu and debian on VM

I've been trying to follow this tutorial: the goal is to have all connections made from my debian virtual machine, pass through Tor installed on my ubuntu host machine. The host machine is a freshly ...
sowdust's user avatar
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For filtering connections to Tor with ipset, do I need to set the protocol to tcp?

I wrote a little tool to generate an ipset of all Tor nodes in order to filter connections (eg. relay all non Tor traffic through Tor). In the ipset restore file, do I need to specify a protocol or ...
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What kind of protection will be: PfSense as Tor Proxy

I will setup gateway machine with 2 NIC: eth0 for WAN and eth1 for LAN. On gateway machine I'll install PfSense and setup Tor Proxy like for example here How to Set Up a Tor Proxy Server on pfSense. ...
Tomasito's user avatar
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Can I change settings in order to restrict Tor from accesing already used IP's of proxyes? [closed]

It is possible to change settings so Tor will not be able to connect on the IP's and Proxyes I was already connected?
alin's user avatar
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Websites using RTMP don't allow proxy [closed]

Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) is a flash based protocol used for streaming, chatting etc. I need to use RTMP based website at my university for some reason but the connection fails as my network ...
Adnan Zahid's user avatar
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How do I get an OpenVPN client in OpwnWrt to connect to an OpenVPN hidden service?

Using Whonix 7 as a model, I'm attempting to use OpenWrt 12.09 VMs as both Tor gateway and workspace. In particular, I want to use these pairs of OpenWrt VMs to establish OpenVPN tunnels through Tor. ...
mirimir's user avatar
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Why shouldn't one run Firefox/Chrome/any browser behind a fully torified system?

One can fully torify a system using Qubes OS TorVM, Whonix or a custom transparent proxy. Everything gets torified, even Adobe Flash. Why should one use Tor Browser even though everything is already ...
adrelanos's user avatar
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How to implement transparent proxy on OS X?

I run Tor on my MacBook Air, which has two interfaces: USB Ethernet Adapter and Wifi. I want to use my MacBook as transparent proxy so that it can share the Tor connection through Wifi for cell phones....
Leaves's user avatar
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