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Torsocks --address ca only be IP but not a hostname?

I noticed if I make wget requests over torsocks and I specify --address, this only works if the address is an actual IP but NOT a hostname, is this correct ? So this works: torsocks --address 123.123....
adrianTNT's user avatar
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Tor stream isolation using torcc

I use torsocks for 3 applications: IRC, SSH and Thunderbird (My Tor browser uses port 9150 from the torbrowser bundle daemon). I want to use a different tor circuit for each application. On the ...
xorghelpneed's user avatar
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Tor daemon is frozenn ( Rend stream is 120 seconds late.)

Good day, i have some problem with tor daemon on Linux. i use tor daemon to proxy access some site, but periodic tor is frozen, and can't proxy requests. in logs i seee only this. Oct 07 02:29:54 Tor[...
Tavico's user avatar
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Burpsuite and Tor browser problem

I set http / https proxy as / 8080 in tor browser and set socks proxy as / 9150 in burpsuite. But whenever i click 'connect' in tb, it doesn't work. what is wrong??? OS : win 10 ...
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When the domain is called, port 8080 is attached?

I am trying to create a hidden service in TOR this due to learning reasons. It all seems to work fine when I want to use this normally with HTML. But as soon as I want to install a dynamic web ...
manfred12's user avatar
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Tor client fails when making bulk requests in a short period of time

I have a list of more than 16,000 thousand up to date active onion domains and I'm trying to download each page with parallel requests through python with tor client as the proxy. All requests take ...
Isuranga Perera's user avatar
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Tor trying to connect to a deleted bridge

I noticed some old bridges and deleted them. Tor still tries to connect to them. Is there any place that tor reaches the bridge beside etc/tor/torrc?
Mahdi Gholami's user avatar
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Using Tor over IPv6

Can someone explain what I have to configure to get tor working over ipv6 on client-side? $ torify telnet -6 80 telnet: could not resolve Non-recoverable failure in ...
user32473's user avatar
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Tor stuck at start-up

I have been using Tor for while. It was working fine but today it refuses to start. It gets stuck here (at start-up): Apr 29 08:06:14.918 [notice] Tor (git-b6e60f26dd04fa4f) running ...
Arushi Arora's user avatar
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1k views refusing to run on archlinux

I just did a full upgrade on my archlinux and now for some reason I can't get systemctl start tor.service to run. I can use the tor browser without this, but I usually need this service up before ...
Trey's user avatar
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Republish Hidden Service Descriptor to HSDir

Someone thought it would be funny to ddos my hidden service. Now my .onion domain after days of ddos stopping, and stop > start the tor service doesn't want to display. How do I republish my onion ...
dreamwalker's user avatar
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connect two server via tor

if we have two server let's say server1( server2( I'm working on redirect incoming traffic on server1 port 4444 to server2 port 12345,this is easy with iptables rule on ...
tlf05649's user avatar
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using autentication with torsocks --address

On Linux, I noticed I can run torsocks by specifying --address so that it connects to another computer and use that computer's tor connection, e.g downloading a file over tor: torsocks --address my....
adrianTNT's user avatar
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Connect to Tor Bridge running on Google Cloud

I deployed a Tor Bridge on Google Cloud. I can connect to the bridge from my local machine(Tor Browser on the local machine) using this - <Googe cloud ip>:9001 9001 is ORPort on Google cloud. ...
rkc007's user avatar
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Unable to open a web-page in Tor

I'm trying to open on the latest version of Tor but I get a black screen. It works fine on Tor versions below 7. I'm wondering if I tweak the browser to get the web page to ...
shubham84's user avatar
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How to "Torify" requests to one specific web address

i would like to "Torify" requests from my computer to a specific web address. This web address is providing an API and I want to use information from this API using the Tor network. I have already ...
user25687's user avatar
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Change socksport and listen address?

Is it possible to change TorAddress and TorPort when using apt-transport-tor? I'm trying to use socksports listening on another machine on my network.
user23720's user avatar
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What's my real Tor ip, torsocks?

I'm on ubuntu-mate 18.04. I use Torsocks v2.2.0 in my terminal and applet. i use wget -O - -o /dev/null | cut -d: -f 2 | cut -d\< -f 1 witch send me my public IP. I ...
Gy0m's user avatar
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Establishing an encripted directory connection failed(done -

it isn't illigal in my country and i have checked time and date, windows defender and firewall is turned off.Using this on pc connected to office wifi. tor log is posted below 7/29/2018 2:00:43 AM....
Mandeep Parmar's user avatar
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New client connection to Tor private relay + obfs4proxy fails

I encounter an issue trying to add another client to an already running tor+obfs4proxy setup. While the first client can connect with no issue to the server(outside Iran) the new client almost ...'s user avatar
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Privoxy VS Polipo

I'm trying to share a SocksPort (SocksPort with a mobile device. The mobile device only supports HTTP proxies. It seems polipo used to be supported/promoted[1] by the torproject ...
user19803's user avatar
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Installing torsocks and apt-transport-tor in Zesty

It seems torsocks and apt-transport-tor don't have installation candidates in Zesty (17.04). I just spent an hr installing and configuring Zesty to my liking only to find these packages aren't ...
user19548's user avatar
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curl website with tor's unix socket

I have the following docker-compose app: version: '3.2' services: tor: build: ./tor - "socket:/var/run/tor" app: build: ./app links: - tor volumes: - "socket:/...
Lanti's user avatar
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Socks version 22 not recognized. (Tor is not an http proxy.)

Hello everyone. i have a simple question i am using a tor client to connect programmatically to tor via Socks4a. Everything run smoothly but when i tried to add ssl-tls to connect to localhost i got ...
johnminister05 Minister's user avatar
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notice Tried for 122 seconds to get a connection to scrubbed:80. Giving up

Getting error while sending multiple http requests through tor circuit. Sep 18 17:59:13.000 [notice] New control connection opened. Sep 18 17:59:28.000 [warn] Destination '[scrubbed]' seems to be an ...
tarun14110's user avatar
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Enbale TOR only for SOCKS5 communication on a Tomato enabled router

I have a WNR3500Lv2 router where I installed the Tomato driver. The TOR configuration window looks like this in the router GUI: My problem that I don't want to enable TOR for anything else in my home ...
Lanti's user avatar
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How to send Tor traffic through ssh tunnel?

I want to use TOR in such way: Tor Browser --> local Socks5 proxy --> VPS (connection through ssh tunnel) --> Tor Network --> Internet Questions: How to setup such a connection? Will my ISP ...
Slawq's user avatar
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torsocks over torsocks? (by accident)

Sometimes I'll $ torsocks --shell, then forget I'm in a torified shell and hours later do $ torsocks curl Does torsocks know not to do tor over tor? Is there some kind of idiot ...
idiot_proof's user avatar
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How to assign syslog facility of Tor?

I'm running Tor as a daemon and enabled the syslog. The Tor daemon is running well as a socks proxy server and sending all logs to /var/log/messages. But I want to make Tor to write the log through ...
Nine Players's user avatar
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tbb-nightly-hardened provides no TCP socks proxy, only unix domain socket. is that normal?

I noticed when trying the nightly hardened that the TBB now doesn't spawn an TCP socks proxy but rather use a unix domain sockets is that to be the expected behavior for the future of TBB hardened ? (...
Hiryc's user avatar
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Using Tor in perl script with $mech->get

I am trying to use the following in my perl script, can anyone tel me why i am unable to connect. Where am I wrong? my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new(); $mech->proxy(['http'], 'http://...
user2829148's user avatar
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How cna I make a request through the Tor daemon originate from a US IP?

I”m using Tor on Mac Sierra. I’m having trouble reaching a site using my Tor daemon, which I start like so tor --CookieAuthentication 0 --HashedControlPassword "" --ControlPort 9050 --...
Dave's user avatar
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3 votes
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Torsocks vs Proxychains?

I often alternate between torsocks/proxychains when using wget, youtube-dl, gpg2, ssh, pacman and more [non-multithreading] applications. If torsocks breaks or seems abnormally slow, I'll likely try ...
user16283's user avatar
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What is the default maximum number of concurrent connections to the Tor network client?

What is the limit and is it configurable? I am connecting via Polipo SOCKS5 proxy. Edit: I'm asking because I see a lot of 504s when I go for multiple simultaneous requests.
user1561108's user avatar
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Debian-tor user running tor in the background from startup

I recently noticed (by doing top) that there is a process running tor by the user debian-tor. I have installed tor, and use it frequently along with torsocks, but I didn't expect to see it running ...
user141's user avatar
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How to add Tor Services in My Java Application [closed]

I am working online application and while working , some of my ip are banned . After that i came to know about Tor and i want to know how to add the tor services in java applications. Please do ...
Eswar's user avatar
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Can't use onion mail service with torified claws-mail

I tried to use the hidden service of an email provider with claws mail. I start the client with torify claws mail, but it doesn't work. I only get: Connection to hiddenmailservice.onion:995 failed. ...
frosty2's user avatar
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Tor Remote Desktop Client Tool

I was curious if anyone knows if Tor (maybe Firefox more specific) supports any client tool (even betas) which would allow RDP port 3389 connections from the browser while on the Tor network? The ...
SlickNutz's user avatar
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How to properly start tor service

For months I've been using: $ sudo systemctl start tor.service but I just realized we can start tor by simply typing "tor" into a terminal. What's the proper/safest way to start and stop tor.service?...
user13933's user avatar
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IRC Server behind a tor hidden service?

I host my own irc server, but I would like to serve it using tor hidden service, I already have a tor .onion site using vbox, and it is not the same approach to setup for an irc server, at least it is ...
devasia2112's user avatar
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Questions about tor, tor browser and the possibility of 6 relays stacking

If I run tor through socks proxy ( installed from sudo apt install tor on linux mint 18 and I browse with the tor browser bundle, does that mean I going through 6 relays? If so how ...
m894v5n74v539nm8's user avatar
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how to force tor to use just Http(s) Not socks5

A proxy supports only http(S), No socks5. In other words,i want to configure Tor to use HTTP proxy, not an SOCKS proxy.
abdel's user avatar
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Whonix proxy and isolation

I set up Whonix Gateway, Workstation and Iceweacel. I also set up a Proxy on Iceweaceal (in Preferences) at the Gateway and now my IP address is defined as the one on the proxy. But I'm confused ... ...
ideloxew's user avatar
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Allow command-line tor client to accept anonymous connection from private address

I am running the command-line tor client on OS X 10.10 and I have a short script that routes all my WiFi network connections through the SOCKS proxy where tor is listening ( INTERFACE=...
kilgoretrout's user avatar
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SOCKS 5 Proxy Exceptions w/ Tor BB

I am successfully running all network traffic through Tor BB's proxy server on OS X by having changed my ethernet and wifi settings to run through the SOCKS 5 proxy via port 9150 in System Preferences....
oemb1905's user avatar