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Questions tagged [pre-tor-proxy]

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Backend frontend system

i want to have a Tor backend with onion link. But i want it with a frontend like, backend only work with frontend. And 2. Question - I want to translate the tor traffic to the clearweb like tor2web ...
Hiddenss's user avatar
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Are Non computer savvy ppl fully protected/anonymous on tor

Consider the person whose knowledge of computers goes only as far as their "Computer Class" in highschool, which was really only about Microsoft Office anyways. They pretty much heard about Tor on ...
Taylor Brooks's user avatar
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Can I torify all connections going through my hotspot? [duplicate]

I am connected to the Internet through eth0 and I run hotspot with wlan0: create_ap wlan0 wlan0 MyAccessPoint MyPassPhrase Is it possible to torify the connections made by the users connected to ...'s user avatar
2 votes
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Adding Clinet SSL to HIdden Service

I am new to setting up Hidden Services. I have my service up and running, listening on port 80, and redirecting to localhost:8080. I have my web-server anonymized and listening on port 8080 for ...
Joshp.23's user avatar
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Whonix proxy and isolation

I set up Whonix Gateway, Workstation and Iceweacel. I also set up a Proxy on Iceweaceal (in Preferences) at the Gateway and now my IP address is defined as the one on the proxy. But I'm confused ... ...
ideloxew's user avatar
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5 answers

How to set Tor proxy for Windows 10 instead of VPN?

When I open windows 10 settings and then "Network & Internet" I see: Settings -> Network & Internet 1. Data usage ...
IremadzeArchil19910311's user avatar
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Whonix - How to get Java Plugin installed/working on Iceweasel? + GUI, Troubleshooting questions

I need help installing or messing with certain things on Whonix. Most important is getting Java to work on it in the browser. I've installed Iceweasel and Chromium, and JRE 8 and JDK6 (long story...),...
trwc112's user avatar
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Unix Proxifier? [W7/Ubuntu]

I'm currently running Tor on Windows 7 with Proxifier and there I can set up that certain websites will connect through certain ports that's connected with Tor: That means that each time I go to http:...
FreedomTORonion's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the best way to hide Tor usage?

I'm looking for the best way to hide Tor usage. Because Tor is banned where I want to use it. What is the best way to hide Tor? I've found this web-proxy: - looks like it support ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Can I configure, which DNS server Tor should use to resolve

As far I understand, for the most part, Tor usually does not use system DNS. When a http proxy is configured in torrc, Tor obviously has to resolve to a IP. And doing the resolving ...
adrelanos's user avatar
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When only using HTTPSProxy in torrc, will also directory requests get routed through that proxy?

It's not possible to use Tor behind a http-only proxy (not supporting the "connect" method. Tor's manual says: HTTPProxy host[:port] Tor will make all its directory requests through this ...
adrelanos's user avatar
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How to use Tor behind a http-only proxy?

A proxy supports only http. No http"s". Connect method not supported. In other words, a client can only visit http port 80. Anything else is unsupported. Can Tor be used in such an environment? How? ...
adrelanos's user avatar
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