How can I limit the numbers of connections a Tor Relay is able to make? (iptables)
This script works, but may need a bit of improvement like a trap command. I made it by myself.
#iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn --dport 35565 -m connlimit --connlimit-above 15 --connlimit-...
Why doing transparent proxy is a bad idea?
usually yes...
first the easiest one, because of error-proneness:
i'm pretty sure the configuration (and code) of the mentioned projects is reviewed much more often than the configuration of someones ...
How to configure Whonix Gateway for communication between two local Workstations in Qubes?
sys-whonix is not set up to forward packets between VMs, and doing has not been evaluated for leaks. Instead, qrexec should be used for inter-vm communication.
In dom0, create a file /etc/qubes-rpc/...
What is the purpose of the nat ipables rules in Tails netfilter?
They allow access to local network resources but deny DNS and the i2p service, to prevent accidental leaks.
From ferm.conf:
# Local network connections should not go through Tor but DNS ...
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