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3 votes

How to bypass sites that blocks tor?

As far as I know this is not possible All tor relay UP addresses are publicly available, including exit ones. Any webmasters that choose to block them can, in fact Tor Project operates a dedicated ...
unixandria's user avatar
2 votes

How do webservers know that the request comes from a tor network?

I wrote a blog post about this here. Here's the gist: Let me show you what it looks like from the internet’s point of view when I go to a simple website using a normal Browser (Brave): 111....
elmerjfudd's user avatar
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1 vote

How to allow hidden services on a port whilst blocking the port on a local wifi?

In general you should have a firewall that blocks all incoming connections unless you explicitly add a firewall rule to allow them. You can look into the ufw tool for details. As a Tor onion service ...
Steve's user avatar
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What happens when an ISP blocks all directory servers?

If Tor is blocked, you should use a bridge (typically one supporting the obfs4 transport). You can get a bridge in the settings of the Tor Browser, or from If you ...
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Can't use Reddit on Tor - What do I do?

Restart Tor until it works. You probably got a bad exit node, with bad traffic. Restarting Tor will get you new circuit Please note some sites will intentionally block all Tor traffic, in which case ...
unixandria's user avatar
1 vote

Avoiding exit-nodes with ISP-/country-based blocks of a site?

Can specific exit-nodes be "turned off"? Can groups of exit nodes be "turned off" based on top-domain and/or on location (ie. country)? You can add an ExcludeNodes to your torrc config file. ...
Peter Gerber's user avatar
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Tor connection in guest OS is being blocked by unknown firewall At Host OS

Malwarebytes is blocking Tor - it's a known issue. If I got you right - you have two antiviruses on one PC, it's a bad idea nowdays: I remember 1994 - yes, then it made some sense, but not now. Some ...
Alexey Vesnin's user avatar
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Tor is not connecting (how to overcome provider's blocking)

You can try meek transport - it seems that you're experiencing a SSL/TLS based intrusion tactiks from your ISP, so use that particular transport: it is specifically designed to fight with such type of ...
Alexey Vesnin's user avatar
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