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Finding new .onion websites

My question is about the ways to discover new hidden (.onion) websites. With regular Internet domain names, we have search engines that crawl the web, and we can also resort to additional techniques ...
Kate's user avatar
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How does a Tor client find the correct HSDir to connect to when fetching a "descriptor" of a hidden service?

It seems that a Tor client connects to a HSDir through a circuit of 3 Tor nodes when retrieving a hidden service descriptor. But to access a hidden service, a user only needs to know the .onion ...
Ish Kav's user avatar
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In onion v3 services, how does the client know the "HSDir" that have the necessary descriptor to connect to the onion service?

I've read the "Tor Rendezvous Specification - Version 3" and I can't find out how the client knows the "HSDir" nodes that store the onion service descriptor that indicates the introduction points ...
john smith's user avatar
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Does Tor still monitor "shadow" relays?

I've been researching methods to monitor hidden services for a university project. I came across this paper which talks about injecting relays as hidden service directories to gather onion addresses. ...
Gareth's user avatar
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Can onion directories find my address? [duplicate]

I know most onion directories use crawlers to collect onion addresses. If I never share my onion address publicly or with anyone, can onion directories still find ways of discovering the address? ...
user25424's user avatar
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Deduce amount of traffic routed out of the Tor network compared traffic routed to hidden services

On the metrics page of the Tor network, there are two statistics that caught my eye: There is one dataset on the Onion-service traffic (both v2 & v3) and another dataset listing traffic for guards ...
jogli5er's user avatar
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Can a hidden service operator specify a certain tor relay to always be one of its introductory point

Is it possible to modify hidden service configuration to always include a certain tor relays ip to be its introduction point given the relay has HSDir set.
Mithrandir's user avatar
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Is there a way to download "hidden service descriptors" (from Windows)? [duplicate]

Before continuing, I have to say that I have read this thread ("Retrieving hidden service descriptors") and it has not solved the problem. I am doing extensive university work on Tor, and I would ...
NewUser's user avatar
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Can a HSDir see visited onion url's? [duplicate]

Is it possible that a HSDir can see visited onion urls? If I make a onion website and my friend visits it could there be a way that someone can capture the url he used? (the .onion url).
Luud van Keulen's user avatar
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Reloading torrc without loosing flags

Everytime I edit some parameters in my torrc file and then send a "pkill -sighup tor" to reload the configuration, I loose my HSDir-Flag and my uptime. Is it possible to reload the torrc without the ...
Mapa's user avatar
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How can i gain whole set of onion address as much as possible? [duplicate]

I believe we can get some onion address from hidden wiki or other search engine,but in my mind,i want to gain whole set of onion address,for that i can learn more about how many onion address ...
yin.shuai's user avatar
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How many Tor relays between the HS server to IP, RP, and HSDir?

As far as I am aware that HS servers need to communicate with 3 points, which are Introduction point, Rendezvous point, and HS directory. So how many Tor relays are there in the circuit between the HS ...
2523fewqf23f's user avatar
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How can I download descriptors of hidden services? [duplicate]

HS publishes its descriptor to Hidden Service Directories. How or where can I find the information of this descriptor?
2523fewqf23f's user avatar
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Malicious hidden service directories [closed] if the descriptor ID is predictable, how easy is to muscle into the positions in the list just above a ...
fdsfdsafdsafdsafds's user avatar
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Getting a HSDir Flag

How exactly do I get the HSDir flag? I've read that that you get it, if the Node is accessible for at least 24 hours and it hosts hidden service descriptors. But I'm still not sure, what is meant by ...
SummerRain's user avatar
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List hidden service managed by an HSDIR

if i have a relay with the HSdir flag, there is a way to know what are the hidden services descriptor hosted on it? in other word, can i list all hidden services present in the hash table of a relay? ...
sproing's user avatar
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How to get the number of HS descriptor requests using Stem?

I'm running a Tor relay on Linux which has the HSDir flag, meaning that it can host hidden service descriptors. I've been wondering, just out of curiosity whether it is possible to get some info about ...
Ashley's user avatar
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How does Tor know which HSDir to connect to?

How does Tor know which HSDir to connect to to find the address in the hash table? Let's say the address is ro3jr3nvvn2223cd.onion How does tor know which HSDir will store this in their hash table? ...
Ben's user avatar
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