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Questions tagged [hsdir]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How does a Tor client find the correct HSDir to connect to when fetching a "descriptor" of a hidden service?

It seems that a Tor client connects to a HSDir through a circuit of 3 Tor nodes when retrieving a hidden service descriptor. But to access a hidden service, a user only needs to know the .onion ...
Ish Kav's user avatar
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Finding new .onion websites

My question is about the ways to discover new hidden (.onion) websites. With regular Internet domain names, we have search engines that crawl the web, and we can also resort to additional techniques ...
Kate's user avatar
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In onion v3 services, how does the client know the "HSDir" that have the necessary descriptor to connect to the onion service?

I've read the "Tor Rendezvous Specification - Version 3" and I can't find out how the client knows the "HSDir" nodes that store the onion service descriptor that indicates the introduction points ...
john smith's user avatar
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Reloading torrc without loosing flags

Everytime I edit some parameters in my torrc file and then send a "pkill -sighup tor" to reload the configuration, I loose my HSDir-Flag and my uptime. Is it possible to reload the torrc without the ...
Mapa's user avatar
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