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3 answers

In onion v3 services, how does the client know the "HSDir" that have the necessary descriptor to connect to the onion service?

I've read the "Tor Rendezvous Specification - Version 3" and I can't find out how the client knows the "HSDir" nodes that store the onion service descriptor that indicates the introduction points ...
john smith's user avatar
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Can a hidden service operator specify a certain tor relay to always be one of its introductory point

Is it possible to modify hidden service configuration to always include a certain tor relays ip to be its introduction point given the relay has HSDir set.
Mithrandir's user avatar
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Reloading torrc without loosing flags

Everytime I edit some parameters in my torrc file and then send a "pkill -sighup tor" to reload the configuration, I loose my HSDir-Flag and my uptime. Is it possible to reload the torrc without the ...
Mapa's user avatar
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List hidden service managed by an HSDIR

if i have a relay with the HSdir flag, there is a way to know what are the hidden services descriptor hosted on it? in other word, can i list all hidden services present in the hash table of a relay? ...
sproing's user avatar
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