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Finding new .onion websites

My question is about the ways to discover new hidden (.onion) websites. With regular Internet domain names, we have search engines that crawl the web, and we can also resort to additional techniques ...
Kate's user avatar
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When using Tor, will a personal router log my traffic?

If so, will it log the addresses of visited sites, just that I'm using Tor, or something else? I've gotten mixed answers from research, most saying that it'll only see I'm using Tor. However, it's ...
Antoxtrr's user avatar
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Accessing Yahoo Mail and GMail using TOR

Can someone give me the TOR web address for logging into Yahoo Mail and Gmail? Also, how much does opening either of these using TOR and a VPN anonymize your personal info, IP, etc? Thanks Beforehand.....
Dave's user avatar
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irssi with Tor - Mapped hostname not working

I'm a newbie to Tor so maybe I'm doing something wrong. I installed Tor in a Raspberry Pi Zero W, connected to the local network, and modified the /etc/tor/torrc file so that it can be accessed only ...
dems98's user avatar
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2 answers

Put Ed25519 keys in usable file format for Tor

I'm making an onion (v3) address generator in Python. Here is the part that generates the keypair: from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization from cryptography.hazmat.primitives....
scob_'s user avatar
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What is the authorization cookie of a .onion address?

I was reading the svn-archive (Section 5.2) to understand how a .onion address is generated. From my understanding, the "x.y.onion" address, comprises 'x' as 'the authorization cookie', and '...
Cyber Student's user avatar
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How to convert a private key generated with mkp224o to the regular ed22419 format?

Sorry if this is a stupid question but I couldn't find any information about this on the internet. When I read the keys generated by mkp224o I get a bunch of weird characters starting with |== ...
techlead's user avatar
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How do I generate “version 3” vanity onion addresses?

How do I generate vanity onion addresses of the Tor Rendezvous specification version 3? Scallion does not support it. Scallion Scallion was a hobby project to learn OpenCL and RSA. We are ...
Константин Ван's user avatar
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Tor Address Migrate/Copying [duplicate]

Hello, I want to move my v3 onion address to the new server. How can I do? Thanks
senator2021's user avatar
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mkp224o vanity address

I used mkp224o to generate a v3 address in .onion, but I was wondering how do I add it? I have a server already with the tor installed mkp224o generates these 3 files "hostname", "...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Tor Hidden Service Suddenly Stopped Working

I setup my hidden service a in February and has been working completely fine. After 9 days of not having my service running 20th-29th March, Tor keeps on giving me the error "We can’t connect to ...
Johno Cown's user avatar
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Bitcoin types of onion address

I'm running a bitcoin core full node with Tor and I've configured a hidden service for that. The point is: bitcoin core log shows me an onion address which is very smaller than the one I found in /...
dcfg's user avatar
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2 answers

email and ip address security

If I'm using the The Tor Browser and a gmail account would my identity be safe. In other words would the receiver be able to find my IP address
don's user avatar
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Running an obfs4 bridge: Setting the IP address to advertise

I run a Tor bridge in a FreeBSD jail. I received an email from someone letting me know that a private IP address was being advertised for the obfs4 bridge. In torrc, I set up Tor to advertise my ...
SmallTimeBridgeOperator's user avatar
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3 answers

Generating new addresses

Tor v2 addresses were generated by a base32 string of the first 80 bits of the SHA1 hash of the private key (sic - public key) How can I generate Tor v3 addresses? (basic command line tools preferred,...
pnujhpdo's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a mechanism for testing that addresses and private keys match?

I'm writing a tool to generate onion addresses but obviously want to make sure the addresses actually work. Rather than setting up a hidden service with the keys etc it would be nice to do it quickly ...
Peter Fox's user avatar
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2 answers

Where can I find the cache file about onion address?

I'm preparing for my graduation project. It is about Tor hidden services. I configured my machine as directory so that it can obtain onion addresses of hidden services. I have been studying the basic ...
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Finding hidden services

There are several questions here, 1) maybe I should chop the Question to pieces? All four questions marked with numbers as before. I am considering to host file server for a company in tor. The idea ...
pekka's user avatar
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How to use a specific proxy on EXIT node?

I would like to know, if there is any way to use a proxy at exit of TOR? I have read a lot of manuals, how to set up exit nodes for a specific country, but that is not what I need. I need to visit a ...
Farhan Iqbal's user avatar
3 votes
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From what depends .onion addresses - public or private key of the service?

In the Hidden Service Protocol specification on is written that all .onion addresses are generated from the public key of the hidden service (what we send to the DHT). If this is true, ...
programings's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there a possibility to host multiple hidden services on one .onion address?

Is there any chance to host multiple services (like a webserver, XMPP server, ssh server) behind one .onion address? Or do I have to create a single hidden service for each service/server?
dodo's user avatar
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2 answers

In generating a new hidden service address, does the tor client check for collision with existing ones?

In generating keys for a new hidden service, and the corresponding .onion address, does the tor client check for collision with existing .onion addresses? The process being so fast, I can't imagine ...
mirimir's user avatar
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