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How can I limit use of my entry node to certain countries?

As an anonymity network, relays don't learn geographical information of Tor clients (edit: in the general case) so this isn't possible. You could instead run a private bridge, and give out the bridge ...
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Do relay and entry nodes keep logs?

Each relay only knows the two adjacent clients/servers on a circuit. So the guard sees the client and middle, but not the exit. The middle sees the guard and exit, but not the client. The exit sees ...
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How to see how many people are transmitting traffic through my entry or relay node now (live)?

I believe what you're looking for is Nyx:
Birb's user avatar
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Entry node on virtualbox with linux on usb?

Yes it will work and it will be the same as running it directly on a laptop. There are some caveats though: Tor expects nodes to be stable. If you are regularly rebooting your laptop or VM or ...
elmerjfudd's user avatar
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From a metadata perspective, what does an entry node know about its clients?

Entry nodes generally know your IP address, the IP address of the next hop and and they can see traffic patterns. Tor sends so called cells, they have all the same size and are padded if necessary. ...
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