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Tor keeps in “searching informations about the relay” when ExitNodes parameter is set in torcc file

I added some lines in my torcc file. At first I added: ExitNodes {fr},{be},{ch},{lu},{mc} StrictNodes 1 When I launch Tor with Vidalia it keeps in the state "searching informations about the relay",...
AvyWam's user avatar
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Tor deanonymization via ISPs

We known that an adversary can deanonymize a user (on clearnet) if it controls both the guard and the exit node. But is that neccesary? We know that the NSA gets huge amounts of data from the internet....
sksioaa's user avatar
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TOR browser - -ExcludeNodes doesn't work

Using Linux, at torrc. Format used: (at end file) ExcludeNodes {...},{...},{...},{...} ExcludeExitNodes {...},{...},{...},{...} Continues connecting to excluded country nodes. Know how to fix?
byte_cookie's user avatar
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Why do I get connected to TOR nodes that I excluded in TORRC?

I'm testing the TOR browser bundle and I keep getting connected to exit nodes in countries that I've explicitly excluded in my torrc: StrictNodes 1 ExcludeExitNodes {ad},{ar},{au},{at},{bs},{by},{be},...
drgoebel's user avatar