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bastik's user avatar
bastik's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 10 years ago
81 votes

How do onion addresses exactly work?

14 votes

What happened to Vidalia?

9 votes

Why isn't Do Not Track enabled?

8 votes

Are browsing files stored locally?

6 votes

TBB upgrade: What happened to my bookmarks?

5 votes

Is there a list of illegal Tor areas?

5 votes

Is there any Tor's network technical details paper?

5 votes

Is it possible to create dynamic Tor website?

4 votes

How can a new circuit happen without closing all tabs?

4 votes

Run Firefox In Tor Browser Bundle using Tor Relay Bundle

4 votes

How to keep people from knowing you are using Tor?

4 votes

Updating Adobe Flash Player to Tor Browser

3 votes

Is it safe to enable the SSL Observatory feature of HTTPS Everywhere in Tor Browser?

2 votes

How to configure my own application to use Tor?

2 votes

Is this possible and if so would it be useful to cracking some hidden services?

2 votes

I have a few question's about the Tor browser plugins and search engine

2 votes

Can I change settings in order to restrict Tor from accesing already used IP's of proxyes?

2 votes

Is it okay to sign in to websites like Google, Facebook etc. using TorBrower?

2 votes

Tor Relay reports "Port Reachability Test Failed" errors

2 votes

Why did the option to permanently allow javascript disappear from the NoScript menu in Tor Browser?

2 votes

Is Tor network making any noise to confuse global adversaries?

1 vote

Exit Nodes in restricted countries

1 vote

How to set up an obfs3 bridge on port 80 and/or 443?

1 vote

Is CircuitBuildTimeout saved through sessions?