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tbb-nightly-hardened provides no TCP socks proxy, only unix domain socket. is that normal?

I noticed when trying the nightly hardened that the TBB now doesn't spawn an TCP socks proxy but rather use a unix domain sockets is that to be the expected behavior for the future of TBB hardened ? (...
Hiryc's user avatar
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using autentication with torsocks --address

On Linux, I noticed I can run torsocks by specifying --address so that it connects to another computer and use that computer's tor connection, e.g downloading a file over tor: torsocks --address my....
adrianTNT's user avatar
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Privoxy VS Polipo

I'm trying to share a SocksPort (SocksPort with a mobile device. The mobile device only supports HTTP proxies. It seems polipo used to be supported/promoted[1] by the torproject ...
user19803's user avatar
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How to send Tor traffic through ssh tunnel?

I want to use TOR in such way: Tor Browser --> local Socks5 proxy --> VPS (connection through ssh tunnel) --> Tor Network --> Internet Questions: How to setup such a connection? Will my ISP ...
Slawq's user avatar
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SOCKS 5 Proxy Exceptions w/ Tor BB

I am successfully running all network traffic through Tor BB's proxy server on OS X by having changed my ethernet and wifi settings to run through the SOCKS 5 proxy via port 9150 in System Preferences....
oemb1905's user avatar
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How to assign syslog facility of Tor?

I'm running Tor as a daemon and enabled the syslog. The Tor daemon is running well as a socks proxy server and sending all logs to /var/log/messages. But I want to make Tor to write the log through ...
Nine Players's user avatar
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Socks version 22 not recognized. (Tor is not an http proxy.)

Hello everyone. i have a simple question i am using a tor client to connect programmatically to tor via Socks4a. Everything run smoothly but when i tried to add ssl-tls to connect to localhost i got ...
johnminister05 Minister's user avatar
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Tor stream isolation using torcc

I use torsocks for 3 applications: IRC, SSH and Thunderbird (My Tor browser uses port 9150 from the torbrowser bundle daemon). I want to use a different tor circuit for each application. On the ...
xorghelpneed's user avatar
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Enbale TOR only for SOCKS5 communication on a Tomato enabled router

I have a WNR3500Lv2 router where I installed the Tomato driver. The TOR configuration window looks like this in the router GUI: My problem that I don't want to enable TOR for anything else in my home ...
Lanti's user avatar
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How cna I make a request through the Tor daemon originate from a US IP?

I”m using Tor on Mac Sierra. I’m having trouble reaching a site using my Tor daemon, which I start like so tor --CookieAuthentication 0 --HashedControlPassword "" --ControlPort 9050 --...
Dave's user avatar
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