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13 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to solve "Failed to bind one of the listener ports"?

Can someone please help me with this, or give me a contact email who can? I accidentally did something with the proxy when Tor was open and now I can't reopen it to fix it. 3/21/19, 05:42:30.670 [...
blackheartalien's user avatar
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Using legacy hardware and can't update

I'm running a legacy machine with an AMD Athlon XP 3200+ processor and Release 9 (stretch) 32-bit Debian Linux. Tor has always worked well but starting with the first release of Tor Browser 8.0 I am ...
Becky's user avatar
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Tor unexpectedly exited macOS

I have MacBook Pro mid 2014 with macOS Sierra v.10.12.4 (16E195). After launching tor (v.7.0.2) produces a message: After restarting nothing happens. Continue button does nothing. Copy Tor Log To ...
Nicholas Bojgua's user avatar
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Tor connection in guest OS is being blocked by unknown firewall At Host OS part 2

a few days ago i have posted this: I am having a problem setting up tor through virtual box and let me give you guys some details: I have installed tor bundle on win xp that is installed on virtual ...
Roysht's user avatar
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Documentation for Tor, Orbot, Orfox, etc

Where can I get an education in using Tor, both on my phone, and on a computer? I'm looking to securely set my items up, as there are many options that I know nothing about. Is there a site for ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Running multiple TOR instances in TOR browser versions 5+

I have checked around but haven't found an answer to running multiple instances for V5+ Closest was for v4.5 Multiple instances of Tor w/ Tor Browser since v4.5 Anyone have any updates for this ...
James M's user avatar
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How to run multiple Tor browsers with different IPs on version 9?

I've read This Instruction but it's outdated and I couldn't comment on it because of reputation. I would like to run multiple Tor Browsers all at once, with each having a unique Tor IP address. And I'...
degayi7987's user avatar
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Tor Browser and Twitter uploading Avatar/Header

Well i tried to upload avatar and also header on twitter with Tor Browser and it's not working. I have tried with and without NoScript and different configurations of browser - nothing is working. I ...
aupavbkipgqvr590u2nhpnmy12ytb2's user avatar
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Difference between Duck and Tor

Can somebody explain to me what is the difference between Duck Duck Go and Tor Browsers? And if I install one I have to uninstall the other?
Millie's user avatar
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Android and orfox/orbot setup

I have tried setting this up and cannot get orfox to load any pages. It is definitely some sort of failure to connect, but orbot says it's 100% bootstrapped. I tried following set up instructions, but ...
Dustin's user avatar
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Can´t start Tor

I´m using a netbook with windows xp. Here is the log: 7/25/2018 21:04:40 PM.800 [NOTICE] DisableNetwork is set. Tor will not make or accept non-control network connections. Shutting down all existing ...
Joe's user avatar
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Make client software connect to the hidden service without modification of source code

I have client and server software. They use single TCP-IP port to send data between client and server. Both made for Ubuntu. Both of them can not use socks proxy. I want to use Tor to hide server's ...
Victor Mezrin's user avatar
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tbb alias works in zsh and not in bash, can anybody tell me why?

I have the following alias in 2 systems, the only difference between them is one uses bash/dash, while the other uses zsh, both systems running Debian testing. The alias is :- $ alias tor alias tor=...
shirish's user avatar
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