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How to solve "Failed to bind one of the listener ports"?

Can someone please help me with this, or give me a contact email who can? I accidentally did something with the proxy when Tor was open and now I can't reopen it to fix it. 3/21/19, 05:42:30.670 [...
blackheartalien's user avatar
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Tor unexpectedly exited macOS

I have MacBook Pro mid 2014 with macOS Sierra v.10.12.4 (16E195). After launching tor (v.7.0.2) produces a message: After restarting nothing happens. Continue button does nothing. Copy Tor Log To ...
Nicholas Bojgua's user avatar
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Tor connection in guest OS is being blocked by unknown firewall At Host OS part 2

a few days ago i have posted this: I am having a problem setting up tor through virtual box and let me give you guys some details: I have installed tor bundle on win xp that is installed on virtual ...
Roysht's user avatar
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Running multiple TOR instances in TOR browser versions 5+

I have checked around but haven't found an answer to running multiple instances for V5+ Closest was for v4.5 Multiple instances of Tor w/ Tor Browser since v4.5 Anyone have any updates for this ...
James M's user avatar
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torbrowser-install-4.5.1 installation problem on Windows XP

I have downloaded torbrowser-install-4.5.1_en-US.exe on my Windows XP based computer and when I double-click on it nothing happens. No error messages, no window, nothing... I have already installed ...
padawan's user avatar
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I want USA only ip addresses, how do i set that up? [duplicate]

Would like a step by step explanation on how i can set my Tor to only use USA ip/exit nodes, thank you....
Willy Wonka's user avatar