Does anyone know how to start tor.exe and obsf4proxy.exe on WIN32 platform without having to launch Tor browser?

For instance in order to use a 3389 client to access the 3389 server by tor, I must first start the Tor browser, and in this way tor.exe and obsf4proxy will run in background.

  • since I don't need Tor browser, how can I make it?
    – Mike
    Commented Sep 7, 2015 at 4:46
  • In Windows you can run executables from the cmd prompt by typing the name (and path) of the executable. See here for more details. Commented Sep 7, 2015 at 8:44
  • 1
    yes, I know how to run an executable from the cmd prompt, but what i don't know is that i have no idea about the needed input parameters or file for obsf4proxy and obsfproxy to start from cmd line. Anyone can help me?
    – Mike
    Commented Sep 7, 2015 at 8:57

1 Answer 1


In general the usage for obfsproxy looks like:

obfsproxy [obfsproxy_args] protocol_name [protocol_args] protocol_options protocol_name

So, as an example:

obfsproxy obfs2 socks

Other options for protocol_name are: managed, dummy, b64, obfs2 or obfs3

You can run obfsproxy by specifying something like:

ClientTransportPlugin obfs4 exec Path\To\obfs4proxy 

in the torrc file

  • Hi, Ron, thanks a lot. I can start obfsproxy now without Tor browser, but I still have a problem, that is in my Win7 program manger, there is a obfs4proxy.exe running when I start Tor browser, what is it? does it has any relation to obfsproxy.exe? As a matter of fact, I just want to run both tor and obfsproxy without Tor browser, how can I make it?
    – Mike
    Commented Sep 8, 2015 at 15:38
  • @Mike Yes, if you run TBB, it runs obfsproxy.exe in the background. If you select any other obfsproxys while setting up bridges in TBB (for eg: obfs4) it will run obfs4proxy.exe in the background. You can run obfsproxy by specifying something like ClientTransportPlugin obfs4 exec Path\To\obfs4proxy in the torrc file.
    – Ron
    Commented Sep 9, 2015 at 6:18
  • ok, i have deleted this one!
    – Mike
    Commented Sep 9, 2015 at 11:29
  • I've checked it!
    – Mike
    Commented Sep 10, 2015 at 12:41

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