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Questions tagged [stem]

Stem is a controller library for Tor. It is based on Python.

15 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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2 answers

Cannot use get_ports() with stem modules

I am unable to use the function get_ports() with stem. It says # python OR [...] File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/stem/", line 126, in send raise stem.SocketClosed(...
user15122's user avatar
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circuit_build_no_more_hops: Bug: 2-hop circuit 0x7fd6935ce4c0 with purpose 5 has no guard state

For research, I need to create custom circuits using stem. I ran code, but a warning occurred in Tor application: [warn] circuit_build_no_more_hops: Bug: 2-hop circuit 0x7fd6935ce4c0 with purpose 5 ...
Azunyan1111's user avatar
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Using Circuits in Parallel

Is there some easy method to use circuits in parallel in TOR using the STEM API. I wanted to use Website A for Circuit A and Website B for Circuit B. The problem is using threading the event listener ...
George J. Adams's user avatar
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How to prevent torsocks timeouts from concurrent calls?

I'm running a distant HTTP server, serving a single page, used for delay measurements purposes. From my client, I'm generating multiple different custom circuits each being assigned a new upcoming ...
luruel's user avatar
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Python3 + Tor's stem library => Permission denied when creating new hidden service

I am trying to deploy a new hidden service using Tor's stem library for Python3, but I am always receiving errors that the service can not be created due to '[Errno 13] Permission denied' issue. I am ...
rogaloo's user avatar
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Tor client node ignores `set_config` from Stem

I was doing some experiments for a project on a Tor test network. I used Chutney to set up a small network and Stem to control one of the client nodes in the network. Because I made some changes on a ...
vanbastelaer's user avatar
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What are the parameter of get_info in stem

From stem documentation, the syntax of get_info is get_info(params, default = UNDEFINED, get_bytes = False) Where can I find a list of possible GETINFO parameters params?'s user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Circuit status details with stem

With stem I can list the active circuits and some details about them What I would like to understand is: how can I know if one of the circuits has been used (it's dirty) or not (it's clean)? This ...
Tom's user avatar
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How to use a specfic Tor middle node

I have a question related to Tor middle node. I already see some of the answers from here. But non of them is recent so I was thinking maybe some imporoment happen in Tor by now. I want to choose a ...
khan's user avatar
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2 answers

Tor "stem.connection.UnreadableCookieFile" error on scheduling python script on Airflow

I am using Apache Airflow to schedule my script. If I try to run the script from the terminal. stem is able to pickup the cookie file easily but If I try to run it via Airflow, it throws this error. ...
Altair21's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I reuse the onion address of a hidden service

I first want to generate a service and save the private key for reuse if one hasn't already been generated and saved, and if one has been generated and saved I want to be able to load it again if ...
404's user avatar
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SIGNAL response contained unrecognized status code: 514

I'm trying to use tor as a proxy for a few HTTP requests as described in Stealthy Crawling using Scrapy, Tor and Privoxy, but instead of privoxy, I'm using tor's built-in HTTP tunnel. This is my tor ...
Honza Javorek's user avatar
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Cannot connect to my tcp tor hidden service in Python

I have a fully functional tor hidden service with his v3 url, created with stem and the controller class. The server is redirecting the traffic into a local tcp server running on port 5000 created ...
Gianla's user avatar
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Using stem with multithreading Python

I am trying to use two circuits in parallel with stem. In tor browser, two different websites use two different circuits. I am trying to get similar functionality in my python code. Here is what I am ...
Khizar Amin's user avatar
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Integrating Tor Browser and Python to get the same circute

This is a cross post from my StackOverFlow question(also I little edited). Ok, my question is quite straightforward: I want to use Python to make automated requests with stem (or any other library ...
Dex's user avatar
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