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Questions tagged [performance]

7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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High CPU usage on some sites

On some sites, the CPU usage goes to 100% (one core) and it freezes any activity inside the browser. For example I can move the window, but not click the tabs or in the page, and if I do, the actions ...
a concerned citizen's user avatar
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Is there a way to make Tor more performant and reliable, if necessary at the cost of sacrificing some privacy?

I have an enterprise use case, where we need to ping a lot of different onion nodes at once, as fast and as reliably as possible. I have some ideas related to forcing a specific circuit made only of ...
Blaz Blokar's user avatar
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Why is my tor relay taking so much CPU power?

My tor relay uses ~50 Mbytes/s (25 MBytes/s read and 25 MBytes/s write). I would expect that each byte has to be decrypted and encrypted once. So I would expect my tor relay decrypts ~25 MBytes/s and ...
Ole Tange's user avatar
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Looking for Conflux code

I'm looking for source code of Conflux tool, published here. There's statement: 'We implemented the multipath construction and cell sequencing, buffering, and reordering in the Tor source code (...
Patrik18's user avatar
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Tor uses 100% of CPU all the time!

I just updated my Tor with tor-, but when I run tor, it uses 100% of one of my CPU's cores, even if I run something simple like tor --version. What is going on?
Geremia's user avatar
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Performance issues in single guard for hidden services

From what I can read in this recent post in the Tor blog, Hidden Services use one single guard, just as regular clients do. How does this affect the performance of hidden services? I know that since ...
synack's user avatar
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Traffic monitoring of specific hidden services

I offer onion hosting to the general public and I am having some issues with many hidden services when they share an instance of Tor with a very busy service. When there is a very busy hidden service ...
Kaizushi's user avatar