I am trying to edit the torrc file, but on my Windows version of Tor the torrc file is blank. I have also looked at Tor on my Mac OSX and Linux machines and the torrc file there are only 6 lines of text as below:
# This file was generated by Tor; if you edit it, comments will not be preserved
# The old torrc file was renamed to torrc.orig.1 or similar, and Tor will ignore it
DataDirectory Home/User/Desktop/Browser/Tor Browser/Data/Tor
GeoIPFile Home/User/Desktop/Browser/Tor Browser/Data/Tor/geoip
GeoIPv6File Home/User/Desktop/Browser/Tor Browser/Data/Tor/geoip6
HiddenServiceStatistics 0
I have added details to the blank torrc file such as:
ExitNodes {DE}
Strict Nodes 1
And this works for restricting the exit nodes.
I would like to change more technical details on the torrc file so why is my torrc file blank, or only have a 6 lines of text in it?