Seeing that I find the technical side of it extremely interesting, I want to try to set up a Tor hidden service. For this I am following the Torproject instructions. I installed Tor, have it running, installed a LAMP server, and then edited the /etc/tor/torrc
file with the following lines:
HiddenServiceDir /home/hubbtwea/hidden_service/
HiddenServicePort 80
Restarting tor
(with sudo /etc/init.d/tor_restart
) should then create the folder /home/hubbtwea/hidden_service/
with two files in it. Restarting goes fine:
* Stopping tor daemon... [ OK ]
* Starting tor daemon... [ OK ]
but afterwards, there is no folder created in my home dir. I then try to restart Tor again (with the same command) and then it says the following:
* Stopping tor daemon... [fail]
* Starting tor daemon... [ OK ]
It seems to be able to start, but not to stop (I wouldn't know why), and there is still no hidden_service
folder created in my home folder.
Does anybody know what I could be doing wrong here?