Edit: Actually the torsocks v1.4.0 --ipv6 option has been working for me. See https://github.com/ehloonion/onionmx/issues/38#issuecomment-1173104130
It sometimes works, and sometimes randomly fails with Resolve destination buffer too small
If I understand correctly there's no workaround?
See: Ubuntu torsocks bug: "Torsocks fails to resolve domain names where ɪᴘv6 is available."
And: Tor Bug: "youtube-dl (recent), torsocks 2.1.0 and TBB5+ failure"
Setting all of the following did not help:
AutomapHostsOnResolve 1
AddressDisableIPv6 1
NoPreferIPv6Automap (on the SocksPort)
Is torsocks effectively abandoned?