I'm trying to perform some experiments with chutney, it actually works fine, but I have some questions about I can use it for my scope. In particular, I want (first of all) discover the path that my package do through the tor network (node by node). I tried to send data with curl and in particular curl --socks5 www.torproject.org
and I capture the output via Wireshark, I notice that the traffic pass through wlan0 (my wlan) and nothing pass on loopback, another thing that I notice is that on Wireshark the get request come from an IP that isn't mine, and I don't understand why. Continuing, since I want to see the package through the tor network, I decided to create an http server on with python python3 -m http.server 12058
and I sent a request via curl again curl --socks5
, now the traffic pass through loopback, but I can't follow the package because the Ips of client, realys and exit are the same and what change is the port. From what I know, there exists 4 types of port:
- ControlPort that can be used with nyx or other tool to control the traffic
- OrPort that is used by the nodes to send packets
- DirPort that is used by AD to send informations such as consensus
- SockPort used by the client to connect to the network
Standing on these informations, when I send a request to my http server I might see a lot of that communicates each other with 9000 (sockport) for the client, orports for the relays and the exit node and the dirport for the DA, but what I see is different, infact the ports seems to be random and different from the ones wrote on the torrc (something like: 41126 or 34450) so I cannot follow the package.
Do you know why? Do you know how can I follow the package through the network? (maybe another tool or something like that) Am I doing something wrong?