I was curious if anyone knows if Tor (maybe Firefox more specific) supports any client tool (even betas) which would allow RDP port 3389 connections from the browser while on the Tor network?
The goal I'd like to accomplish would be to use RDP anonymously but I figured since Tor is good at doing tjis then maybe there is something already available.
It seems as if Tor is for web browsing anonymously only but I wasn't sure if you could use to the Tor network for other traffic as well other than just http or https so RDP for one example is my main question I suppose but if there's something related way more broader than that, I will consider anything.
I read about Torifying any application and I'm able to use Tails so any RDP client like Redimma, etc. which I can Torify will be fine. I also read that you have to use socat so I'm looking for pointers such as: use this and this as it works exactly like you are requesting.
Instructions for setup or where to find Tor IP or other settings would be nice but if that's too much here for all of this, I can put that in another question.