git clone https://sherlock-project/sherlock.git

PERROR torsocks[25258]: socks5 libc connect: Connection refused (in socks5_connect () at socks5.c:202) fatal: unable to acess 'https://sherlock-project/sherlock.git': Could not resolve host: socks5

I'm currently using Tails

when I apply the following commands;

git config --global http.proxy 'socks5://'

git config --global https.proxy 'socks5://'

this error happens;

fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock.git/': Failed to connect to port 9050 after 0 ms: Couldn't connect to server

I'm a beginner on the subject


1 Answer 1


you need to use Socks5s not just Socks5. The difference is that in S-case DNS resolving is handed to the proxy. Looks like you have DNS filtered too, so it can not resolve the hostname and start to access the resolved IP address through a proxy specified. Also a good practice is to set the resolver to Tor's DNSPort as well

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