How is this done?
That's the Neat Part, You Don't.
What you think is the private key is actually the seed. From the seed, all other stuff that is needed is derived, but the seed is not really needed.
Things get much more clear when looking at this ed25519 key creation.
The length of the hs_ed25519_secret_key is 96 bytes (= 3 x 32 bytes) and the format is
- 32 bytes that mean "== ed25519v1-secret: type0 ==\x00\x00\x00"
- 32 bytes that are the private scalar
(as shown in the upper scheme)
- 32 bytes that are the righthalf
of the sha512
So tor does not need to unhash something because there is no interest in the seed. All you need for performing this ed25519 stuff is the either
- the seed
- the sha512 sum of that seed, so its first 32 bytes and last 32 bytes or
- the private scalar
and minimum the RH
of the sha512 (so tor does; also storing the LH
would be redundant)
And from the private scalar a
, the pubkey A
is generated. Both are used in the sign part. And the RH
is used with the message M
in the sha512 in the sign part, too.
So the private scalar a
and righthalf RH
are the most computed values that one can get. Just storing the seed means computation every time you need the private scalar a
or the RH
for signing. And because A
is in the file hs_ed25519_public_key, when the signing part must be performed, there is no need for tor to spend computing power on the keygen. It can just read a
, A
and RH
from the files and all the computing power can be used for the sign part.
p.s. I checked the python libs cryptography and pynacl but I couldn't find a way to give a
as an input for A
. So with this, you could also convert the file hs_ed25519_secret_key into hs_ed25519_public_key.
I just tested the link from
this answer
and ran it (modified without the path stuff and keygen)
import base64
import hashlib
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ed25519
def expand_private_key(secret_key) -> bytes:
hash = hashlib.sha512(secret_key).digest()
hash = bytearray(hash)
hash[0] &= 248
hash[31] &= 127
hash[31] |= 64
return bytes(hash)
def onion_address_from_public_key(public_key: bytes) -> str:
version = b"\x03"
checksum = hashlib.sha3_256(b".onion checksum" + public_key + version).digest()[:2]
onion_address = "{}.onion".format(
base64.b32encode(public_key + checksum + version).decode().lower()
return onion_address
def verify_v3_onion_address(onion_address: str) -> list[bytes, bytes, bytes]:
# v3 spec
decoded = base64.b32decode(onion_address.replace(".onion", "").upper())
public_key = decoded[:32]
checksum = decoded[32:34]
version = decoded[34:]
if (
!= hashlib.sha3_256(b".onion checksum" + public_key + version).digest()[:2]
raise ValueError
return public_key, checksum, version
raise ValueError("Invalid v3 onion address")
def create_hs_ed25519_secret_key_content(signing_key: bytes) -> bytes:
return b"== ed25519v1-secret: type0 ==\x00\x00\x00" + expand_private_key(
def create_hs_ed25519_public_key_content(public_key: bytes) -> bytes:
assert len(public_key) == 32
return b"== ed25519v1-public: type0 ==\x00\x00\x00" + public_key
def store_bytes_to_file(
bytes: bytes, filename: str, uid: int = None, gid: int = None
) -> str:
with open(filename, "wb") as binary_file:
return filename
def store_string_to_file(
string: str, filename: str, uid: int = None, gid: int = None
) -> str:
with open(filename, "w") as file:
return filename
def create_hidden_service_files(
private_key: bytes,
public_key: bytes,
hidden_service_dir: str,
) -> None:
file_content_secret = create_hs_ed25519_secret_key_content(private_key)
file_content_secret, f"{hidden_service_dir}/hs_ed25519_secret_key", None, None
file_content_public = create_hs_ed25519_public_key_content(public_key)
file_content_public, f"{hidden_service_dir}/hs_ed25519_public_key", None, None
onion_address = onion_address_from_public_key(public_key)
store_string_to_file(onion_address, f"{hidden_service_dir}/hostname", None, None)
if __name__ == "__main__":
priv = ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(32*b"\x00")
pub = priv.public_key().public_bytes_raw()
When you copy the hs_ed25519_secret_key file that is generated by this code in the tor directory, tor will create the same hostname file as this code. So what is going on? The function expand_private_key
transfers the seed into the private scalar a
(first 32 bytes of the return) (and the RH
(unmodified last 32 bytes of the sha512 checksum / return)), where tor can create the pubkey and therefore the hostname, whereas the ed25519 function needs the seed (maybe there is a way to pass a
and RH
instead). Further, RH
shouldn't matter here, because RH is not related. You can even set the RH
in the hs_ed25519_secret_key file (so the last 32 bytes) to zero and tor is still happy with this file and it will work (disrespect security).
- tor uses the format
+ RH
, so 64 bytes of relevant data and the first 32 bytes in hs_ed25519_secret_key are just for information.
- the python functions needs a seed instead, where
and RH
is derived from
- the function
makes some voodoo and generates from the seed the real private key a
- it gets obvious that the python function are using the seed and not the private key, because
ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(<32 bytes>)
wants 32 bytes. And with only 32 bytes defined, ed25519 cannot work except these bytes are the seed
editedit: finally, the answer to your actual question. (Now I am a bit curious, what you want to achieve with this? I mean, this is not useful for vanity addresses. What do you want to do with this?)
def onion_address_from_public_key(pubkey):
import base64
import hashlib
Generates the onion address from the public key
pubkey : bytes
The public key with a length of 32 bytes.
onion_address : string
The onion address.
VERSION = b"\x03"
checksum = hashlib.sha3_256(b".onion checksum" + pubkey + VERSION).digest()[:2]
onion_address = "{}.onion".format(base64.b32encode(pubkey + checksum + VERSION).decode().lower())
return onion_address
class Ed25519:
# stolen and modified from
def __init__(self):
Twisted Edwards Curve equation E: a*x^2 + y^2 = 1 + d*x^2*y^2
Values taken from RFC7748
a, d : int
Curve parameters.
p : int
Field (modulo p).
n : int
Order of generator Point ord(G).
G : (int, int)
Generator point.
self.a = -1
self.d = 0x52036cee2b6ffe738cc740797779e89800700a4d4141d8ab75eb4dca135978a3
self.p = 2**255 - 19
self.n = 2**252 + 0x14def9dea2f79cd65812631a5cf5d3ed
#self.cofactor = 8 # not used, just for completeness
X = 0x216936d3cd6e53fec0a4e231fdd6dc5c692cc7609525a7b2c9562d608f25d51a
Y = 0x6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666658
self.G = (X, Y)
# Modular arithmetic ######################################################
def inverse_mod(self, k, p):
Returns the inverse of k modulo p. Nothing changed by me. Thank you,
original author for this function.
k : int
Must not be zero.
p : int
Must be a prime number.
k modulo p.
if k == 0:
raise ZeroDivisionError('division by zero')
if k < 0:
# k ** -1 = p - (-k) ** -1 (mod p)
return p - self.inverse_mod(-k, p)
# Extended Euclidean algorithm.
s, old_s = 0, 1
t, old_t = 1, 0
r, old_r = p, k
while r != 0:
quotient = old_r // r
old_r, r = r, old_r - quotient * r
old_s, s = s, old_s - quotient * s
old_t, t = t, old_t - quotient * t
gcd, x = old_r, old_s
assert gcd == 1
assert (k * x) % p == 1
return x % p
# Functions that work on curve points #####################################
def is_on_curve(self, P):
Checks if the given point is on the elliptic curve.
P : (int, int)
Point to check.
True, when point is on curve.
False, when point is not on curve.
if P is None:
# None represents the point at infinity.
return True
x, y = P
return ((self.a*x*x + y*y) % self.p == (1 + self.d*x*x*y*y) % self.p)
def point_neg(self, P):
Negative of (x1, y1) is (-x1, y1).
P : (int, int)
Point to negate.
(int, int)
Negative point.
assert self.is_on_curve(P)
if P is None:
# -0 = 0
return None
x, y = P
result = (-x, y % self.p)
assert self.is_on_curve(result)
return result
def point_add(self, P1, P2):
Adds two points according to the group law.
P1 : (int, int)
Point 1.
P2 : (int, int)
Point 2.
(int, int)
Point 3 = P1 + P2, when points are different.
Point 3 = P1 + P1, when points are equal.
assert self.is_on_curve(P1)
assert self.is_on_curve(P2)
if P1 is None:
# 0 + point2 = point2
return P2
if P2 is None:
# point1 + 0 = point1
return P1
x1, y1 = P1
x2, y2 = P2
if x1 == x2 and y1 != y2:
# point1 + (-point1) = 0
return None
if x1 == x2:
# This is the case point1 == point2.
x3 = 2*x1*y1 * self.inverse_mod(self.a*x1*x1 + y1*y1, self.p)
y3 = (y1*y1 - self.a*x1*x1) * self.inverse_mod(2 - self.a*x1*x1 - y1*y1, self.p)
# This is the case point1 != point2.
x3 = (x1*y2 + y1*x2) * self.inverse_mod(1 + self.d*x1*x2*y1*y2, self.p)
y3 = (y1*y2 - self.a*x1*x2) * self.inverse_mod(1 - self.d*x1*x2*y1*y2, self.p)
result = (x3 % self.p, y3 % self.p)
assert self.is_on_curve(result)
return result
def scalar_mult(self, k, P):
Calculates k * point with the double and point add algorithm.
Nothing changed by me. Thank you, original author for this function.
k : int
P : (int, int)
(int, int)
Product of scalar multiplication.
assert self.is_on_curve(P)
if k % self.n == 0 or P is None:
return None
if k < 0:
# k * point = -k * (-point)
return self.scalar_mult(-k, self.point_neg(P))
result = None
addend = P
while k:
if k & 1:
# Add.
result = self.point_add(result, addend)
# Double.
addend = self.point_add(addend, addend)
k >>= 1
assert self.is_on_curve(result)
return result
# Conversion of private scalar to pubkey like tor does
def pubkey_from_priv_scal(self, private_scalar):
Converts the private scalar according to RFC8032 into the public key.
private_scalar : bytes
The private scalar `a` (not the seed k).
The public key `A`.
i = int.from_bytes(private_scalar, "little") # 3. Buffer as little-endian int
x, y = self.scalar_mult(i, self.G) # Fixed-base scalar multiplication
y = int.to_bytes(y, 32, "little") # 4. y-coord. as 32 bytes little-endian
x = int.to_bytes(x, 32, "little") # (also needed for least sign. bit)
if x[0] & 1: # When least sign. bit is 1, then
y = bytearray(y) # (make bytes accessible via index)
y[31] |= 128 # make the most sign. bit 1.
y = bytes(y) # (back to bytes from the array)
return y
c = Ed25519()
f = open("hs_ed25519_secret_key", "rb")
private_scalar =[32:64]
f = open("hs_ed25519_public_key", "rb")
pubkey_should =[32:64]
pubkey = c.pubkey_from_priv_scal(private_scalar)
print(pubkey_should == pubkey)