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2 answers

Tor deanonymization via ISPs

We known that an adversary can deanonymize a user (on clearnet) if it controls both the guard and the exit node. But is that neccesary? We know that the NSA gets huge amounts of data from the internet....
sksioaa's user avatar
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Clarification of Risks to Anonymity [closed]

My goal is to get a clear sense of what is required to maintain anonymity. In a sense I'm mapping the flow of traffic in my head and trying to understand how certain traffic might interact in ways ...
user18109's user avatar
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Tracking users via google APIs?

if i open in one tab and it uses some google analytics or google fonts api, then open in another tab which also uses google products... do the google domains see different ...
user15951's user avatar
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Alterations to Tor and finding a way to run tests and simulations [duplicate]

For one of my assignments I have to conduct a research paper. I decided to propose a solution vulnerabilities TOR has with traffic analysis. I'm suggesting adding in random delays,random hop count ...
imconnor's user avatar
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How does de-anonymization work?

I heard that someone, who can read the traffic of many tor nodes (like the government of a country where many nodes are located) can find out which user is sending/reading data to/from which resource ...
Hubert Schölnast's user avatar