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Questions tagged [ip-address-leak]

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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hide IP from webserver software and PHP

I want to setup a hidden service but I would like to hide the IP from the webserver software (nginx here) and PHP, but I'm not sure how to do it? If nginx and PHP can't know the current server IP, no ...
Ross's user avatar
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Is running Whonix with a Windows 10 Host a bad idea?

I'm considering using either a Tails stick on my spare laptop or Whonix on my PC via Virtualbox. Only problem is, said PC is a Windows 10 system. Is it more secure to just go with the Tails plan, or ...
jayno331's user avatar
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VPN through Tor. Are there any errors in my settings and can anonymity be improved?

I need to route traffic from multiple mobile apps and all sites through tor. Some apps and websites block tor traffic. For this reason, I decided to use tor and vpn together (vpn through tor). I know ...
Gytuup's user avatar
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Tor comunicating to other IPs beside my guard node, should it happen?

Running netstat and analyzing my established connections I noticed sometimes tor talks to other IPs that aren't my guard node. I'm not sure if this is supposed to happen because I very very new to ...
buggedmind's user avatar
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Website Block's IP address using some browsers and downloader crawlers

How does some websites knows that we are using onion browser. Some of the online shopping websites won't even let in to enter using the tor browser? How is this possible? For instance take this below ...
Nɪsʜᴀɴᴛʜ ॐ's user avatar
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Is it safe to use Nipe with a Raspberry Pi?

I'm not a Perl coder and hoped Tor users (more familiar with proper tor application and usage) could weigh in on the implementation and overall usage of such a tool. Would anyone recommend against ...
user22100's user avatar