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29 votes
3 answers

What are good explanations for relay flags?

We received an Atlas patch that adds tooltips to relay flags, so that relay operators can better understand what these flags mean. The patch author used dir-spec.txt as their guide. I wonder if ...
karsten's user avatar
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When does a relay get the Named flag?

A new relay of mine has been flagged as Stable and Guard, but not Named. What are the criteria for receiving the Named flag?
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9 votes
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How can one move its relay to another server without losing anything?

Supposing one runs a server on some server and wants to move it to another. How can this be done without losing the flags (like stable, guard, named) and the progress to get a t-shirt, if certain ...
bastik's user avatar
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What, precisely, are the criteria for determining if a relay will be flagged as a guard?

The Tor FAQ's "What are Entry Guards?" entry does not describe the process by which a relay becomes a guard. The word "flag" is not mentioned anywhere in the FAQ index. Arma's "The lifecycle of a ...
pmocek's user avatar
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Will hibernation cause my relay to lose the Guard flag?

My relay's outgoing traffic is limited, so I had to enable accounting. The limit hasn't been reached for a while now and recently my relay received the Guard flag. Will this flag be lost the next time ...
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4 votes
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What is the criteria for the V2Dir flag appearing?

I've just read What are good explanations for relay flags? to get a feel for what flags could possibly appear on my new relay (which is an image from Tor Cloud, but with torrc modified to be a relay ...
strugee's user avatar
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2 answers

Relay remains unmeasured for over 30 days

I run a relay in my home network. The relay runs on my router (self build opnsense machine). Details of my relay indicate that initially it progressed the usual live cycle of a relay. Then all ...
HATEthePLOT's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why does a restart cause a relay to lose the Guard and HSDir flag?

Why does a restart cause a relay to lose the Guard and HSDir flag? I understand that the Guard and HSDir flag are based on time in the network. However, why is it important when the last restart ...
meee's user avatar
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Question about the assigned Guard node flag and whether if this flagged node can still be used as middle node

I would like to know some information before launching my Tor node. If my node is assign as a guard node, can it still be used as a middle node or has it became a permanent guard node?
user14221's user avatar
1 vote
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Not Recommended relay

I looked up my entry-node in Relay Search(Tor Metrics) and I found additional flags was "Not Recommended". Should I change my entry-node manually?
QutstsgytF's user avatar
0 votes
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What is the StaleDesc (state descriptor) flag and how do I update my state descriptor?

My week old relay node got this flag today, I couldn't find any explanations about it figured I'd ask here. All I found out was that it was introduced in tor 4.x
Sadness Kant's user avatar
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Reloading torrc without loosing flags

Everytime I edit some parameters in my torrc file and then send a "pkill -sighup tor" to reload the configuration, I loose my HSDir-Flag and my uptime. Is it possible to reload the torrc without the ...
Mapa's user avatar
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