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Put Ed25519 keys in usable file format for Tor

I'm making an onion (v3) address generator in Python. Here is the part that generates the keypair: from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization from cryptography.hazmat.primitives....
scob_'s user avatar
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Is there a mechanism for testing that addresses and private keys match?

I'm writing a tool to generate onion addresses but obviously want to make sure the addresses actually work. Rather than setting up a hidden service with the keys etc it would be nice to do it quickly ...
Peter Fox's user avatar
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2 answers

In generating a new hidden service address, does the tor client check for collision with existing ones?

In generating keys for a new hidden service, and the corresponding .onion address, does the tor client check for collision with existing .onion addresses? The process being so fast, I can't imagine ...
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