Is there any easy way to install and run Tor with meek support on Ubuntu? https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/meek

Beside it is possible to download the bundle archive I'm interested in a native way:

  • Do I need any extra software to enable meek?
  • how to configure torrc ?

1 Answer 1


At the moment the meek packages are landing in debian so we can expect them to arrive in ubuntu too.

Previous info are not working fine anymore, it looks there is now a repository for debian unstable ... so I changed my previous answer with this one:

1 Add Repository

Repository (info on the repository page).

2. Install meek-client package

sudo apt-get install meek-client

3. Update your tor configuration

Now edit you tor configuration file /etc/tor/torrc:

sudo gedit /etc/tor/torrc

Add the meek plugin to it

ClientTransportPlugin meek exec  /usr/bin/meek-client

And some meek bridges:

Bridge meek url=https://az668014.vo.msecnd.net/ front=ajax.aspnetcdn.com
Bridge meek url=https://d2zfqthxsdq309.cloudfront.net/ front=a0.awsstatic.com
  • 2
    No, check out the variety of https websites that meek can connect through, in the Tor Browser. There's meek-amazon, meek-azure, and meek-google. Commented Feb 8, 2015 at 10:06
  • ok thanks, maybe they added recently, I will check it on march once I'm back in china. If you have any knowledge about how to use meek with tor vanilla please share it.
    – WonderLand
    Commented Feb 11, 2015 at 6:08
  • 1
    For Ubuntu (not sure about Debian), I'd suggest that you also need to edit the AppArmor definition - otherwise you will get 'permission denied' errors. In the file /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/tor, add the line /usr/bin/meek-client ix, at the end. Then restart AppArmor, or the whole machine.
    – seanlano
    Commented Nov 8, 2016 at 12:40

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