Well, it's a long-living mistake that Tor can not be used for a BitTorrent - actually, it must be, but in a proper way:
Use an open-source client, I do recommend rTorrent for CLI/embed and qBitTorrent for a GUI version. This will protect you from data leaks, and - yes - take your time and compile them by hand, it's not complicated at all
Trackers and clients must avoid using IP addresses, but use dot-onion hidden service addresses instead. Yes, it's just 3 lines in your torrc
and just an option in your torrent client. Set up once - and it will just work
DHT will not help here**?** - It will! All you need to do is never provide IP address, just a dot-onion host name. However if you're concerned about a deep-probing - you have to disable it because of the fact that Tor uses TCP only
UPDATE : settings for tools
In torrc
- just create a hidden service and restart Tor so you will have it's name in it's folder, write it down. You need to map your torrent client's ports for that address.
- use transparent proxying with VirtualNetwork as big as /16 or more.
- enable DNS service so you can resolv dot-onion names system-wide
In qBittorrent:
- Tools->Options->Connection->Peer connection protocol select TCP only and disable any NAT/UPnP. Also in Proxy Server block check "Use proxy for peer connections*. Add your Tor as a SOCKS5 proxy
- Tools->Options->BitTorrent->Automatically add trackers add a tcp tor hidden service tracker there.
- Options->Advanced there are some resolve(country/hostname/etc) options - uncheck them, there's no such data you're looking for ;) Set IP address to report to trackers to your onion hidden service. You will need a source patch for qBittorrent to accept not just an IP address but also a hostname to that field. Restart qBittorrent
In ISC Bind 9 - local setup, hardcoded in /etc/resolv.conf
- Create a zone resolution forwarding to your Tor DNS service
- Disable any forwarders - just use a root hints - to avoid query leaks
In your OS use firewall to divert Tor's VirtualNetwork to it's TransPort
Keep in mind, that it will give you just a fraction of speed and working robustness as the full-featured BitTorrent, but it will work.