Here's what your ISP can see:
This person is using Tor. They can't see what you're doing using Tor. They can only see that you are using Tor.
If you're using a VPN, they can see that you're using a VPN service, but they can't see what you're doing with that VPN.
Here's the difference: The VPN provider can see everything you do with the VPN. They may say that they don't log what you do, but you have to take them at their word.
The Tor network is segmented in such a way that no one using Tor can see what you are doing. The person running an exit node can see that "someone" is going to the website but they can't see who.
The person running the website that you are visiting can see that "someone" is visiting them using the Tor network. In the same way, they can see that "someone" is visiting them using a VPN. They just don't know who. The upside of the Tor network is that every time you visit that website, you will appear to be a different "someone". You are more anonymous.
More information: Is Tor Like a VPN?