I'd like to extend the Docker image https://hub.docker.com/r/rdsubhas/tor-privoxy-alpine/~/dockerfile/ to include exposing the Tor control port at 9051. This would involve, after installing tor
on the container, to make some modifications to /etc/tor/torrc
However, I'm not able to find this file after installing Tor on Alpine Linux. First I run Alpine Linux in a container using the command
docker run -it --rm alpine:latest /bin/ash
Then I run the command
apk --update add tor
which results in an OK
confirmation. But if I thereafter try
cat /etc/tor/torrc
I get
cat: can't open '/etc/tor/torrc': No such file or directory
Why doesn't apk --update add tor
produce an /etc/tor/torrc
configuration file?
line to the Dockerfile.