I'm a Tor newbie that wants to use Tor to log in to a few communities online, and I have a few questions about the safety of it. Before you say anything, I won't use sites like Facebook that know my real life identity, or sites that are very important (like online banking). I'm generally not doing anything too interesting over Tor and don't expect to be especially targeted by hackers or law enforcement.
As I understand it, when logging in to a website, my username and password can be stolen when I send them through Tor. What is the likelihood of this, and steps can I take to minimize such risk?
If I change my password immediately after logging in, will that prevent hackers from getting in, or will Tor continue to transmit these details while I use the website?
I understand Tor reroutes my traffic every 10 minutes. Will this also re-transfer my details, making it more likely to get routed through a malicious node the longer I stay on the site? Can I prevent re-routing, so that only 1 exit node can potentially see my details, instead of 100+? Besides, some websites automatically log out if the IP address changes, which is just annoying.
Can I store a cookie with my login details on my computer, so that I don't have to log in every time I start the browser? I understand that this will somewhat reduce my privacy.
Or would it be better to leave the Tor browser running throughout the day, so that I only have to log in once? Would that not compromise my anonymity, in other words, the longer I stay on the site, the more likely the NSA or someone else will connect the start node and the end node?
Thanks for any replies.