System: latest Kali ( Debian-based )

$ torsocks chromium-browser
00:00:00 libtorsocks(1): sendmsg: Connection is a UDP or ICMP stream, may be a DNS request or other form of leak: rejecting.
00:00:00 libtorsocks(1): sendmsg: Connection is a UDP or ICMP stream, may be a DNS request or other form of leak: rejecting.
00:00:00 libtorsocks(1): sendmsg: Connection is a UDP or ICMP stream, may be a DNS request or other form of leak: rejecting.
00:00:00 libtorsocks(1): sendmsg: Connection is a UDP or ICMP stream, may be a DNS request or other form of leak: rejecting.
[1:1:0100/000000:FATAL:zygote_main_linux.cc(530)] Check failed: UnixDomainSocket::SendMsg(kZygoteSocketPairFd, kZygoteBootMessage, sizeof(kZygoteBootMessage), std::vector<int>()).

Connection is a UDP or ICMP stream, may be a DNS request or other form of leak: rejecting.

And doesn't work. No window of browser appearing.... Hm....

Moreover, when I'm trying to configure transparent proxy, according to official manual, chromium-browser doesn't look at /etc/resolv.conf or anything else. Anyway, iptables-redirection doesn't redirect chromium's request for DNS(UDP:53), and logically .onion domains doesn't work too.

Who know the Way to launch chromium clear from DNS leakage?

1 Answer 1


Ohai !

You can use chromium with tor like that (look man) : chromium --proxy-server="socks5://"

It should work :>


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