In my torrc file, I'd like to exclude certain exit nodes from specific countries, like for example France and Germany. What's the correct syntax for this in torrc?
I've found that when I try to list multiple country codes this way for either ExcludeExitNodes
or ExitNodes
will result in a "Invalid exit list" warning.
For example, I've tried
ExcludeExitNodes {fr,de}
StrictNodes 1
But that gives me
Jan 09 07:16:22.308 [notice] Tor v0.2.4.23 (git-598c61362f1b3d3e) running on Windows 7 with Libevent
2.0.21-stable and OpenSSL 1.0.1h.
Jan 09 07:16:22.308 [notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at
Jan 09 07:16:22.324 [notice] Read configuration file "G:\tor\torrc".
Jan 09 07:16:22.324 [warn] Entry '{fr' in ExitNodes is malformed.
Jan 09 07:16:22.324 [warn] Entry 'de}' in ExitNodes is malformed.
Jan 09 07:16:22.324 [warn] Failed to parse/validate config: Invalid exit list '{fr,de}' for option '
Jan 09 07:16:22.339 [err] Reading config failed--see warnings above.
While using ExcludeExitNodes {fr}
works fine and successfully builds a circuit.