I tried to start Tor in a computer pool and it failed. The PCs were running Windows 7. I downloaded the latest Tor Browser Bundle and executed the start script. Almost immediately a warning appeared the Tor could not bet started. In the log file I found the following lines:
Okt 17 10:51:57.483 [Notice] Tor v0.2.3.25 (git-17c24b3118224d65) running on Windows 7.
Okt 17 10:51:57.483 [Notice] Read configuration file "[..]\torrc".
Okt 17 10:51:57.483 [Warning] Warning from libevent: evsig_init: socketpair: Invalid argument [WSAEINVAL ]
Okt 17 10:51:57.483 [Notice] Initialized libevent version 2.0.21-stable using method win32. Good.
Okt 17 10:51:57.483 [Notice] Opening Socks listener on
Okt 17 10:51:57.483 [Warning] Socket creation failed: Invalid argument [WSAEINVAL ]
Okt 17 10:51:57.483 [Notice] Opening Control listener on
Okt 17 10:51:57.483 [Warning] Socket creation failed: Invalid argument [WSAEINVAL ]
Okt 17 10:51:57.483 [Warning] Failed to parse/validate config: Failed to bind one of the listener ports.
It seems that some local policy prevented Tor from opening ports 9150 and 9151. I tried some other random ports (between 1024 and 65535) none of them worked. Is it possible to use Tor on those machines? If so, how?