I downloaded tor which ran but was "unable to connect" when I tried to access any sites. I uninstalled it and reinstalled but now it is just displaying:

"Unable to connect to listener port"

8/30/19, 11:33:09.876 [WARN] You specified a public address '' for SocksPort. Other people on the Internet might find your computer and use it as an open proxy. Please don't allow this unless you have a good reason. 
8/30/19, 11:33:09.876 [NOTICE] DisableNetwork is set. Tor will not make or accept non-control network connections. Shutting down all existing connections. 
8/30/19, 11:33:09.876 [WARN] You specified a public address '' for SocksPort. Other people on the Internet might find your computer and use it as an open proxy. Please don't allow this unless you have a good reason. 
8/30/19, 11:33:09.876 [NOTICE] Opening Socks listener on 
8/30/19, 11:33:09.876 [WARN] Could not bind to Can't assign requested address 
8/30/19, 11:33:09.876 [WARN] Controller gave us config lines that didn't validate: Failed to bind one of the listener ports. 

Please let me know how i can fix it! I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling over it again but it doesn't work. I am using admin account on mac.

  • 1
    This sounds very strange. Did you install Tor Browser from torproject.org/download? If so, did you change any settings after installing?
    – elmerjfudd
    Commented Aug 30, 2019 at 13:29

2 Answers 2


I'm not sure if it's working now, but I did it a time ago, in mac first, you need to have brew you could install via below command

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

then install

brew install tor polipo privoxy

so tor is installed now, but there further moves to touch.

apped below line in below file (if file dosn't exist create it):


below lines:

socksParentProxy = "localhost:9050"
socksProxyType = socks5

now edit this file:


and uncomment below line from it:

 forward-socks5t / .


brew services start tor

brew services start polipo

brew services start privoxy

For checking if tor is connected or not

use this command:

tail -f /usr/local/var/log/tor.log  

if not you have to get a non-obfs-bridge bridge, and it's now deprecated, so you must use obfs3, scramblesuit, fte, or obfs4.

to get bridge just email get transport obfs4 to [email protected].

edit /usr/local/etc/tor/torrc file and append these below lines to the end of torrc file:

UseBridges 1
ClientTransportPlugin obfs4 exec /usr/local/bin/obfs4proxy

before doing last step dowload this file and make it as executable via chmod +x obfs4proxy command & put the downloaded file in below directory:


now you can restart tor, and it's ready.

brew services restart tor



The problem is in your config - and it's clearly stated in the error message. Edit the config and remove all the lines with the external IP from your error message, so Tor will check it up automatically. You can post your config so I will be able to help you a way better. In your case there's no need for reinstall or another install - just fix the config file. If you need further help - just drop me a line!

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