I read this on another question

Entry-Node (Knows your address and relay nodes address)
Relay-Node (knows entry-node and exit-node address)
Exit-Node (knows address of relay-node and webserver)

But,what if Entry-Node send my ip address to Relay-Node,which will send it to Exit-Node ? Then will the Exit Node have both my IP Adress and what i am sending ?

In this principle it looks like the each node can send ip adresses he knows outside Tor and where he get it to another nodes (like DHT) in some software or just by IP packets.

Like this

 Me                 Entry-Node                 Relay-Node           Exit-Node      Server
 Data(Tor) -------> -------------------------> -------------------> --------------> ----
 My IP(Tor)-------> My IP (outside Tor com.)-> -------------------> ---------My IP
 My Data            Encrypted Data             Encrypted Data       Decrypted Data

Well,the nodes will have to use some special kind of software...

And one more thing,can anyone with Tor become a exit node ?

Or Tor accept only 'verified' entry and exit nodes,and the other can become just a relay ?

2 Answers 2


But,what if Entry-Node send my ip address to Relay-Node,which will send it to Exit-Node ? Then will the Exit Node have both my IP Adress and what i am sending ?

Yes, the facts you are quoting assume the nodes are not colluding.

Generally speaking, the assumption is that while one node in your circuit may be malicious, it's very unlikely that all of them are, and that they're cooperating to compromise you. This is why it's important to have many people running nodes.


it's Theoretically possible if all three nodes will have a custom software, but in standart software it's impossible

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